Reconstruction - Help?
Hello lovely ladies, I am feeling a bit lost I do not have private health cover and have been told the public waiting list for reconstruction could be years. Is there any way of finding out what surgeons may support some of the costs and would I be out of pocket a lot of money if I went this way? I am having issues with…
What a buger
Hi Everyone, It's Adean thank you to the Beautiful ladies who aknowledged me today boy did that start the floodgate of tears.The breast nurse rang and asked me to measure my boobs all 41 great inches of them and could only find a steel builders tape I cracked up laughing as the bra could be interesting. My 23 year old…
Just diagnosed
Hi. I'm Sharon, 33 and diagnosed with breast cancer. I am a brac1 gene positive so since I was 30 I have been having 6 monthly scans. All were fine until two weeks ago when I was told I have an 8 millimeter tumor. I am just devastated. I have a 10 month old baby and I just want to be here to watch my little man grow up.…
ADMIN: Adding images
Hi all, We're currently looking into some code improvements to help make it easier for you to add images to your blog posts and comments. First we need to fix a bug that is preventing some of you from linking to images now, and then we want to (hopefully!) see if we can find a way for you to upload images directly here…
HER2+ 10 months on
I've just joined the network and have enjoyed reading different posts - it's reassuring knowing my feelings and worries are shared amongst others. I've finished the 'worst' of my treatment since being diagnosed almost 10 months ago. As I was HER2+ only, the more I read about this diagnosis the more scared I become, even…
Hi there
Hi there, I am new and was wondering if this group still ran, I am in Lilydale and would love to be part of a group in the area
I'm planning a trip to America later this year & while I'm away my monthly triptorelin injection will be due. My nurse at the hospital says she can give me the drug and needle to take and a letter for customs and I just need to find a doctor or nurse to give me the injection. My sister in America has been checking with her…
Calling for donations
Hello everyone, Once a year, BCNA invites our supporters to make a tax-deductible donation to help us continue to provide free information and support to Australians affected by breast cancer. With the number of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer increasing each year, it is essential that our services continue to…
Special Offer for May
Hi all, Just wanted to let you know about the beautiful BCNA branded cotton hammamas on sale right now, with a special offer for BCNA members that's valid for all of May 2012. As well as a discount for you ($19 off recommended retail), $20 of the purchase price (see the special discount offer, below) comes to BCNA as a…
Laughing out loud
My sister in law sent me this wonderful headcover for when I start swimming again in summer after radiation. No shame here, I will be wearing it (to protect my nude nut if nothing else) http://www.headcovers.com/1063/multi-colored-petal-swim-cap-in-brights/ I have such a great family.
Hello everyone
Hi I am new to this group and hope to get to know you all in time. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in March this year. Since then I have undegone a Mastectomy and sentinal node biopsy. After finding there was cancer in the node several more were removed. Thankfully they were all clear, but I am faced with making a…
My Knitted Animals
A Mermaid I knitted for my Niece (I have since also knitted another one for my husbands cousins child (who we call a niece becasue it is easier). A Camel I knitted A Doll I knitted This is a Doll I knitted when my Niece was born (the one who also has the mermaid above) This is a Horse I knitted And a Tedy too (the picture…
Hi! :)
Hiya Tonya, you're first to join (go you!), so any ideas on what we should put in our "about the group" text? Just so you know, I've made the group posts private for now just so we don't annoy the rest of the network with any initial chatter about what we might do. Anyone can still join, though -- they just won't see posts…
New to this
Hi Ladies Am new to this have been reading your posts for a couple of weeks waiting for my results. Have had a lumpectomy and sentinel node bio. Was told today that I will need a mastectomy an more nodes taken. Feelin pretty scared at the moment and not knowing where it is all going. I have a great husband and two lovely…
My first post
Diagnosed late last year, masectomy and all 30 lymph nodes removed in mid Jan this year. Tomorrow is my last (6th) chemo - HURRAH! It's been a roller coaster of a ride, but the support staff, surgeon, chemo Prof & radiology Prof have been exceptional - as has my wonderful husband. I am over being bald and the fluid…