Special Offer for May

Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know about the beautiful BCNA branded cotton hammamas on sale right now, with a special offer for BCNA members that's valid for all of May 2012.
As well as a discount for you ($19 off recommended retail), $20 of the purchase price (see the special discount offer, below) comes to BCNA as a donation.
We have a couple in the office, and I can tell you that they're lovely, lightweight pink fabric, and would be ideal for use as a sarong, towel, throw or picnic blanket.
I took one home to wash and can confirm that they're dye-fast (my white knickers stayed white! , dry really fast, and iron up nicely.
They're making me think of Summer -- can't wait till it rolls around again down here!
Special Discount offer for May 2012:
- Buy 2 beautiful BCNA branded 100% light weight Hammamas, and Hammamas will donate $20.00 to BCNA
- One for yourself and one for a friend, family member or special occasion
- At checkout, enter the special promotional code: BCNA MUM (you need to purchase 2 or more for the offer to apply)
- Delivery is automatically calculated and will be added to the purchase price
Price: $60.00 saving $19.00 on RRP
Offer valid for the month of May 2012
You can find out more about the offer on our hammmamas news post (with more pics) or purchase your own directly via the hammamas website.
Thank you xox