New to this

Roby Member Posts: 25
edited June 2012 in General discussion
Hi Ladies

Am new to this have been reading your posts for a couple of weeks waiting for my results. Have had a lumpectomy and sentinel node bio. Was told today that I will need a mastectomy an more nodes taken. Feelin pretty scared at the moment and not knowing where it is all going. I have a great husband and two lovely teenage sons and I feel awful that they have to go through this


  • Cheryl D
    Cheryl D Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2015

    Well hello there Roby,

    nice to make your aquantance but wish I didn't have to.

    I know you are scared and feel alone and it is great youare  now here as you will get more confidence in dealing with yourself, family, friends and most of all the Medical Profession.

    The worst part is the waiting, you seem to wait for everything but once the ride really starts it is so fast you get through it as you have to.

    You are lucky to have family and you must not worry for them, they will not want you to put your energy into anything othr than getting well.

    We are here all the time and at all hours, I was a 3am 'er when I started my chemo last year and only have 4 rounds of 18 Herceptin to go as my chemo (TCH) started in July last year.

     So many ladies have been on this road and are more than willing to take your hand in cyberspace and guide you through it all so never be afraid to ask, cry, yell, laugh and bitch as we all have and it is a safe place where we can say what we really feel, whether it be fear of the unkown or known, being let down by family/ friends/ work or school this is your safe place to land.

    Best Wishes

    Cheryl D


  • Cheryl D
    Cheryl D Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2015

    Well hello there Roby,

    nice to make your aquantance but wish I didn't have to.

    I know you are scared and feel alone and it is great youare  now here as you will get more confidence in dealing with yourself, family, friends and most of all the Medical Profession.

    The worst part is the waiting, you seem to wait for everything but once the ride really starts it is so fast you get through it as you have to.

    You are lucky to have family and you must not worry for them, they will not want you to put your energy into anything othr than getting well.

    We are here all the time and at all hours, I was a 3am 'er when I started my chemo last year and only have 4 rounds of 18 Herceptin to go as my chemo (TCH) started in July last year.

     So many ladies have been on this road and are more than willing to take your hand in cyberspace and guide you through it all so never be afraid to ask, cry, yell, laugh and bitch as we all have and it is a safe place where we can say what we really feel, whether it be fear of the unkown or known, being let down by family/ friends/ work or school this is your safe place to land.

    Best Wishes

    Cheryl D


  • KazzieP
    KazzieP Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2015
    Hi Roby,
    I got my results today also. While everyone here knows what you are feeling I'm sure, I know exactly how it is for you TODAY. I am set for auxilliary clearance too but no mastectomy.
    I think Cheryl is right. They will want to be there for you and gives them the opportunity to let you know how much they care.
    We need to concentrate on keeping ourselves mentally well and strong. This is how we will make it through. I have realised in a few short days that talking on this site has /does help me do that.
    Fairly with you on the scared part! We need to get on and smash it.
    Karen xx
  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Roby


    We have all gone through that feeling of the "unknown". But we do find that inner strength to fight this, and not let it beat you.

    I have only just started, my 2x chemo done and third next Friday. Radiation, tablets and ovaries still to come.

    I was devastated when I found out I have BC, but with the help of everyone , including family has been fantastic.

    Just concentrate on yourself getting better and let family take care of you.

    This website is fantastic, just blog away and  you know that there is always someone here at any time..... (and I mean anytime)

    Hope all goes well and keep in touch, Love Julie XX

  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Roby


    We have all gone through that feeling of the "unknown". But we do find that inner strength to fight this, and not let it beat you.

    I have only just started, my 2x chemo done and third next Friday. Radiation, tablets and ovaries still to come.

    I was devastated when I found out I have BC, but with the help of everyone , including family has been fantastic.

    Just concentrate on yourself getting better and let family take care of you.

    This website is fantastic, just blog away and  you know that there is always someone here at any time..... (and I mean anytime)

    Hope all goes well and keep in touch, Love Julie XX

  • Roby
    Roby Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2015
    Thanks ladies trying not to think of the worst but it can be hard staying positive when you think all tests are done and then they want more

  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    It sems that we have found a great place to share our fears and get great support with a bunchof people who really KNOW what we are talking about and feeling.I am sure with all this we can get through anything.

    Don't worry too much about your family, they love you and they'll be there when you ned them. You do it when they are ill. they have strong shoulders, strong hearts, they'll support each other as well as you. I think the most important thing - for me anyway - is to keep everyone informed of what's going on all the time. I don't see any point in keeping them in the dark.

    Hang in there.

    Keitha xx

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Roby, and welcome. :)   Waiting for results is tough, so hang in there.  It's great that you have good support from your family (and now everyone here, too!)

    Post whenever you like, and don't worry about asking if there's something you want to know more about.


  • Roby
    Roby Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2015
    Just worrying myself sick (literally) about the bone scan & ct. I know they are a good thing and I would hate to not know if I have some nasty elsewhere in my body but I am finding hard to imagine how I will cope if they do find something.

  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Robyn

    Please try not to worry. Especially not to make you feel sick. Your health is important, and keeping positive another.

    I had to have bone scan and CT. I suppose we all had to have them done. That way they do make sure it's not anywhere else.

    Just remember, they are there to find it.... and treat it....

    Let us know how you go. And I am sure, it will be okay. Keeping my fingers crossed and sending  you good vibes...

    Love Julie XX

  • Roby
    Roby Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Julie for your support it is just the fear of the unknown. I know they have good treatments for this, not so nice treatments but good. I will just have to keep reminding myself of this. I will ring the cancer council tomorrow to see if there is someone in my area that I can talk to.

  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Robyn

    Just remember, we are all here to listen. If you need advice we are all here for you ... babe.

    There is great support outside of this network of girls. I had someone to talk to when I was in hospital after surgery. They were great, they answered many questions and made me feel more at ease. As they have also been there and done that, they understood all your emotions and feelings. So, it's great that you are taking that step. Just remember don't hold back, tell them how you feel and if you need to have a cry... cry.

    I know, I did heaps of crying while talking to the counsellor.

    Also, just remind yourself, that whatever treatment you need to have. Its to make you better and rid of this horrible BC.

    Take care my sweet. Julie XX