Hi There
Hi all, a few of you may know me, but it has taken me awhile to come here. Basically I am a Registered Nurse and had BC waaaay back in 2006. I made it through all the treatments and am now back working in a job with a major public hospital. I am going to the forum at the wine centre on the 17th as I missed getting a seat…
My journey begins..
After coming to terms with those dreaded words.. "you have cancer...", I now find myself in a position ready to learn, share and talk with women in a similar place to the one I now find myself in. It is scary, but after reading some of the posts I find a level of comfort in knowing that I am not alone in this journey. In…
Strong family history
Hi all, I am writing this blog as I feel I need to talk to people who are experiencing what I am. My eldest sister 53 was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in April 2011, my Mum 78 was diagnosed in June 2011 and my younger sister was diagnosed in late Feb 2012 also with idc. All have had their cancers removed, the…
Oncologist appointment
I finally have my oncologist (chemo doctor) appointment for next Friday. I believe they like to start chemo within 6 weeks of first surgery so as I'm approaching that date it may be soon after that chemo begins. I'm crapping myself about chemo - big breath! Anyway I guess at least knowing what to expect will be better than…
When your child is ill (not cancer)
I forgot about my ailments, aches and pains while I was at my 9 year old daughters bedside for 10 days. She had not been well for some time, a wrong diagnosis because she did not have the classic symptoms and doctors not listening to me to check her chest meant that she got the attention she needed later rather than…
Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter!
News you might have missed
Hi all, There's been quite a few news items, and coming events posted on the BCNA website recently that will be of interest to many of you, so I thought I'd gather together the links in case you missed them: Strength to Strength: BCNA's National Conference Registration is now open for our two-day national conference for…
Looking for the best Plastic Surgeon for Bilateral Recon - Canberra or Sydney
Hi all, I'm hoping some of you out there can help me with some answers and recommendations? I was diagnosed last year at age 36 with Stage 1, Grade 3, triple negative BC, clear margins, 0/6 lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, followed by chemo (TC x 4) and then radiation. About half way through my radiation treatment I…
Pink Lady Bandana
Hi there! Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right place to purchase Pink Lady Bandana's. Your help would be greatly appreciated thanks. Anyway while i'm blogging if this is a blog coz i've never blogged before just thought i'd share that i've just come through my surgery n now i'm one boob less. Seems kinda…
Travel insurance
I have almost finished a year of chemo, I am really well and have had no complications.We are about to take an overseas trip and I am having a hard time finding travel insurance as no one will cover "my pre- existing condition". Have any of you had this problem ? how did you get around it ?. I don't care if my breast…
My daughter is getting married on 8th April
My daughter is getting married on Sunday week and I have recently found out that I have breast cancer. Totally sucks. I don't want to spoil her marriage, but I have to tell her. I live thousands of miles away from her. She hasn't seen me since December last year. Funny thing is that I don't look any different. I still look…
Hello lovely ladies!!! Just wanting to see how everyone is? I've been a little distant lately as I've been trying to see more of my family & friends after a very emotional ending to 2011. I guess it's been a emotional roller coaster with the menopause, & I was struggling daily to focus on what I had to do, so I started on…
Sharing your blog
Hi Everyone, and especially the new ladies who have joined us on our wonderful site. Firstly I would just like to say, there seems to be a couple of Ladies who can't read certain blogs. This may be due to members not making their blog available to everybody, so anyone who wants to share with everyone/or not -- make sure…
Dragons Abreast Patron
Wow girls, I have been honoured by being made the Patron of DANTI (Dragons Abreast Northern Tasmania Inc.). I see this as a great way to extend the support and training received by BCNA to others through their BC journey. Onwards and upwards, Mandy
feeling alone/need support and advice
Hi girls I am still fairly new to blogging but wanted to get my thoughts out there. I have had two surgeries now and have been dealing with an infection from wound of the last surgery for a couple of weeks now (love to hear if many others have suffered with infections following surgery or drains). I am still on antibiotics…