Share your views: Artistic tattooing of breast-cancer mastectomy scars
Hi everyone! Following up on my previous post, I’d like to invite you to participate in a PhD research study being conducted by Tina-Maree Newlan of Charles Sturt University on artistic tattooing of breast-cancer mastectomy scars. The study aims to investigate the experiences of women who have had breast cancer mastectomy…
Recovery times and support required following mastectomy and chemo
Sorry for long post... I'm new to this group. I was confirmed 2 days before Christmas with DCIS and suspected Paget’s Disease. I am facing a mastectomy and possible chemo, etc. I'm now looking at what my options are with respect to reconstruction. I’m seeing my breast surgeon tomorrow with my growing list of questions. So…
Experience with suction/negative pressure dressings
So last Thursday I had a bilateral "Goldilocks" mastectomy - it's Tuesday now, so today is the fifth day post-op. I had three nights in hospital and was discharged on Sunday, and every day has felt like a battle with these dressings. It's a system called Prevena that puts a foam layer over the sutures, and then a plastic…
Choosing a surgeon (Melb) -New diagnosis overwhelm
Hi there, Im 49 and had my first routine mammogram in September- no family history or symptoms. They discovered calcifications, had a biopsy then 5 days ago I was told I had breast cancer. Stage 2-3 6cm aggressive.That’s all I can remember to be honest as I was in so much shock. Got referred to my GP in the afternoon and…
Any suggestions /tips for preparing for surgery and heading home
Hi there, I will be having surgery in a week - lumpectomy and breast reduction in the other breast. I am trying to prepare what I can for not only the surgery but my return home. I have 2 primary age kids who are full of beans and 2 big dogs who love to be lap dogs. I am thinking maybe I need to create a quiet space in my…
Surgical options when you need radiation post surgery ???
Hi All I am seeking advice/information about what options you were given for surgery when you needed to have radiation post surgery. A bit about me, I am 52 single mum to adult sons (one still at home). I was diagnosed with IDC Grade 3 Triple Negative BC in early May. I have been undergoing neoadjuvant chemo and have just…
Mastectomy /post surgery pillow
Hi all, I have a brand new mastectomy pillow that I found really helpful that is basically as new. I would be really happy to post it to anyone that is about to have surgery at no cost. I just can’t bear to throw it away and would be happy for it to help someone else! Just dm me with your address if you would like it. I’ve…
Scar Management for anyone finding them taking a long time to heal, red, bumpy, itchy...
Hey All, I just wanted to say in the past I haven't really worried about my scars from surgeries, however since doing my Diep Flap recon in February and subsequent revision surgery in July, I had my abdominal wound reopened. It was red, itchy and bumpy so thought I'd have a consult with people who specialise in scar…
Today's feelings in poetry
Lucky So lucky, people say. That they caught it when they did That it hasn’t spread That they got it all That I have insurance So, so lucky. That my friend told me about her cancer That I finally moved my arse and Went and had that mammogram That I live in the lucky country So lucky That my prognosis is good That my job…
Drain pain
Hi all I am two weeks post left nipple saving mastectomy on left with implant reconstruction. Pathology after surgery found cancer in lymph nodes so I had a lymph clearance one week ago. I have found the recovery from the lymph surgery so much more painful and my drain site seems to be where the pain is coming from. The…
Upcoming surgery
Moderator moved @spinox post from Activity section to own dedicated discussion: