Packing for hospital
Moderator moved @Aloraca post from activity section to main discussion page:
Another sister reporting for duty
Hi all I’m Linda, a 54 yo from the Barossa Valley in SA, a wife, mother to 5 humans and 1 furkid, a lover of all things Disney & Robbie Williams and living with a fairly new diagnosis of DCIS. Historically, I’ve had 3 lumpectomies previously between 2003-2015 and been having regular mammograms since. In late January 2024 I…
Advocating for Exercise in Breast Cancer Groups
i just wanted to raise some awareness on an issue that has been bugging me and say something here. i have stopped participating in cancer groups because even though groups like this called "get active and keep well", the general fear and disapproval from other members is if someone starts exercising "more" than the…
Going public - will I have any choices
Hi all - I received a call last week telling me that my biopsies show cancer in one of my breasts. It's not a total surprise as there is a very strong family history of it - I always felt like a ticking time bomb. Regardless, I feel like a bit of a zombie at the moment, the situation is consuming me. The shock of it and…
Processing the journey
Moderator moved @Tania_G post from activity section to 'General Discussion' section:
Hardening of breast
Hi everyone , I had removal of breast cancer in 2022 on left breast including 4 weeks of radiation.today I had a check up I have had a hard spot on the lower right since the surgery it hasn't changed and I'm an still tender where I have a scaring and over this area too, this was also present in my last check up which was…
Hi All I've had surgery and got my pathology results today for invasive ductal tumour on right breast with lymph node removal. My PET scan is clear, margins for tumour clear and no lymphovascular or perineural invasion (probably not the right word), Ki67 less than 6%, Grade 2 not sure of stage. Despite these results my…
Have you replaced implants after radio? What's your experience/issues/advice +capsule (kept /rem'd)?
I'm in discussions with two surgeons (initial and then second opinion) about removing my 10-year-old textured and radiated implants and either going flat or replacing implants. I posed a similar question on the reconstruction group - I'm hoping this main chat has some people who have faced re-reconstruction. I was first…
i have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer i am 48 yrs old. I have had part of my breasts removed and now going for full mastectomy im really unsure if inplants are good and would like to hear anybodys experiences with this or just going flat plz to mayby help me with what way to go about this thankyou for any…
New diagnosis DCIS - surgery options
Moderator moved discussion by @houseofgroovyshooz from 'Activity' section to 'Newly diagnosed: