When is your birthday?
Hello everyone, Following on from the amazing birthday list that was started by @socoda, thank you very much! Im calling out to all our members to let us know your birthday. We love an online celebration and on the day you will receive a virtual birthday cake that we can all share! No need to include the year you were born…
BCNA calling out the government - failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is calling out the government for failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination while showcasing its new genomics framework. Cancer Australia launched the National Framework for Genomics in Cancer Control this morning, which aims to integrate genomics into routine cancer…
My right breast doesn't feel the same anymore ... Is this the new norm post lumpectomy, chemo & rad?
I had my lumpectomy in June 2017 and lymph nodes in right arm removed in July. Chemo stopped at Xmas and rad in March. Now I am just on Herceptin until Oct. I have been noticing changes over the past few months that are more apparent now. I see my breast physio regularly for massage and exercises for the scar tissue in my…
Nerve pain with expander
Hi there, I had a mastectomy 3 weeks ago now and had my first saline fill last week, since then I have had terrible pain where my nipple should be like someone is squeezing it tightly. Has anyone else had this? if so what helped?
Essaic Tea
Hi lovely people, I was diagnosed with early stage, Grade 3, Triple Negative Breast Cancer at the end of August 2024. I had a lumpectomy, four rounds of chemo and will have 15 x radiation treatments starting in two weeks. I have had the best of care and support from the health professionals at Tweed Valley Hospital and as…
Cold Capping and hair loss experience with TC chemo
I went for my first TC chemo session with cold capping on a Paxman. I've got wavy coarse hair, that's not particularly thick. Conditioner and water was applied with a focus on the top of the head. I was expecting a brain freeze but came nowhere near that in the 2.5 hours of the cold capping. I'm a skier so I'm comparing it…
Well woo hoo is what I say! I had seen on the news last weekend that some drugs had been reduced in their end price to us the patients. Well to my surprise I needed to pick up my next pack of Tamoxifen (Sandoz brand) and instead of the usual $38.50 today's price was $19.50!! Woo hoo!! I hope that translates to other drugs…
Adelaide-based members: Opportunity to participate in Breast Cancer documentary
Hi everyone! I'm sharing an opportunity to participate in a documentary being created as
part of a second-year film project at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment
(AIE). The focus of the documentary to share women’s experiences of breast cancer, including diagnosis and treatment with the goal to highlight resilience…
How do I change my profile picture
Does anyone know how to add an actual photo to my profile picture? I upload a file but then what, how do I get it to become my profile image
Share your views: Information and support needs of people following treatment of breast cancer
Hi everyone, Erana from BCNA here! I’d like to invite you to participate in a research study opportunity led by James Cook University. Please see details below. If you can't access the QR code you can also follow this link Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management. If you have any questions or concerns regarding…
Looking for Support Groups in Brisbane/West Brisbane 😊
Hey everyone!I hope this message finds you surrounded by love and support.I’m on the lookout for any support groups in West Brisbane/Brisbane that meet up in person. I think it would be great to connect with others who are in similar situations and share experiences.If you know of any local groups or have any info on when…
Reconstruction Implant
Hello people, I have just joined this group. First post. Round two for me, decisions to make. Diagnosed 2019 RB DCIS high grade invasive, lumpectomy followed by wide local incision lymph node removal then radiation. Annual mammogram & biopsy 2024 lead to me seeing breast surgeon last week. Time for the right breast to come…
Lower dose tamoxifen
I have taken tamoxifen 20mg for 6 years,I have now had a year off tamoxifen as I stopped taking due to side effects, my oncologist would like me to persist and start taking it again as I’m in my 40s and he considers this young. my surgeon said I could just take less,he said there has been research that says it may be as…
Public patient Private radiation (Toowoomba)
Hi everyone, Just wanted to share a useful bit of info for anyone going through something similar. My nearest radiation facility is 4hrs drive away in Toowoomba, but it’s private & I am a public patient. I went for my planning appointment this week & at the end I was taken aside into a small office & given my ‘Estimated…
Negative impact of radiation on Flap (autologous) reconstruction??
Hi all, will have mastectomy in a couple of months time, am considering to have an immediate breast reconstruction (IBC) using my own tissues/ flap (autologous). Unfortunately, I will have a series of radiation after the IBC. I am worried the radiotherapy will kill/destroy/ causing complications on the flaps. I did some…
Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome
Hi everyone!!!! I was diagnosed with BC last year. I had DCIS and IDC......I had conserving surgery partial mastectomy with a flap reconstruction done......I had my yearly follow up in June this year and the mammogram and ultrasound picked up a mass....I had the biopsy straight away and it didn't contain any cancer…
Happy birthday @dawnc
Happy birthday to you dear @Dawnc for 9th January best wishes for a great start to a new year <3