Scanxiety - bone mineral density
Tl;Dr - it’s another 2 am freakout. I'm having a panic into the void. I'm 3 years on from my diagnosis of early breast cancer (hormone positive idc). I went for my routine bone mineral density scan yesterday, and now I'm really frightened. I could see the image as it was being taken, and there was one spot on my spine that…
Time to process
Hi All, my intro post. Such a roller coaster of emotions and processing suddenly going from perfectly healthy to not! I had a Diagnosis 22/12/23 IDC with 2.9cm tumor and lymphnode involvement from BreastscreenSA. ER and PR +, Her -. (Xmas is harsh to get such news, both in the slow down of services and in telling nearest…
My painting for my Surgeon
Hey creative buddies, I recently made this painting for my surgeon as a thankyou gift. I named this painting cosmic connection. I will be doing a lot more in the coming days while I enjoy my chemo journey :) Hopefully one day I can start my own exhibitions and sale my paintings to raise funds for everyone going through the…
Anxious Newly Diagnosed
Hi everyone. From what I have read it appears this is THE place for me. I was diagnosed on the 2nd May after having a routine Mammogram in April. I was called back due to something showing up on the Mammogram and subsequently had another Mammogram and Ultrasound and then a biopsy. Diagnosis is that I have invasive breast…
Preparing for surgery
Moderator moved @m_m11 post from activity section to main 'Discussion' page:
Questions to ask 'Post Surgery' of yourself - to your Specialists - Tick Sheets - Self assessment
I know that after my own surgery, I didn't always quite know what questions to ask of my surgeon and 'the team' that we all see regularly for the first 5 years following our treatment - so I set about looking for 'tick sheets' that would help me, as these appointments approached! I came across some really interesting…
All the tests and scans
Hello everyone, I’m so sorry we’re all here and so grateful to have people Around to turn to. I was diagnosed yesterday after a mammogram, US and biopsy last week. I have IDC grade 2 stage 1. ER+ and PR+. Still waiting for results of HER2Today I had an MRI and CT using liquids via a cannula. Friday I have another biopsy on…
Struggling tonight
I know I'm not alone in this journey but tonight I'm really feeling quite lonely. Just wondering what other people do when they are feeling this way even when they might be surrounded by supportive family and friends. Night-time is always the hardest because I live alone and have little to distract me.
I’m in a grey area and confused
Hi, recently diagnosed early breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma. Lumpectomy and reconstruction (breast reduction). ER and PR +, Her2 -, Tumor grade 2 10mm, KI67 very low, 1 out of 3 lymph nodes positive small 2.5mm. Lymph node has put me in grey area with chemo now being my choice. Ocnoassist states extra 3% survival…
Another sister reporting for duty
Hi all I’m Linda, a 54 yo from the Barossa Valley in SA, a wife, mother to 5 humans and 1 furkid, a lover of all things Disney & Robbie Williams and living with a fairly new diagnosis of DCIS. Historically, I’ve had 3 lumpectomies previously between 2003-2015 and been having regular mammograms since. In late January 2024 I…
Mum with young children-how do you cope?
I’m 35 and was diagnosed with a 22mm IDC last month and DCIS, booked in for mastectomy in 10 days. I found my lump while breastfeeding, I have a one year old and a four year old, this diagnosis flipped my life upside down. Still dealing with crippling anxiety, every time I look at my kids or try to spend any quality time…
Anxious wait after MRI
Moderator moved @CeeCee post from 'Activity' section to main Discussion page:
New to MBC. How to stay positive when every Onc meeting seems to bring less certainty?
Hi, I'm new to online forums, so here goes. I was diagnosed stage 2 grade 2 BC in 2014 aged 36. Find out 27/12/23 metastasised to my bones at age 46. Married, 3 kids (9,11,12). It's not hormone receptive anymore, so treatment is looking like chemo, after hip replacement and radiation. I enjoy a laugh and some practical…
Feeling anxious and insomnia post treatment .
Hi, Ruth here, living in Cannonvalley, Queensland. I had r/o small cancer surgery and Radiotherapy 4 months ago. I thought I was doing well and went back to work, part time. Then collapsed in a mess of anxiety and insomnia, one feeding the other. So hard to get help and support. My G.P said - oh just meditate or listen to…