Scanxiety - bone mineral density

Kahm Member Posts: 21
Tl;Dr - it’s another 2 am freakout. I'm having a panic into the void.

I'm 3 years on from my diagnosis of early breast cancer (hormone positive idc).

I went for my routine bone mineral density scan yesterday, and now I'm really frightened. 

I could see the image as it was being taken, and there was one spot on my spine that seemed much lighter than the surrounding bone.

I don't know what a normal scan looks like, but what I saw on the screen has scared the living bejeebers out of me. 

I’d crawl into bed and stay there waiting for the dreaded call, but I'm in a proper panic and can't sleep.

Far out, I hate nights like this.


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,444
    edited August 23
    Hi @Kahm,  sorry you are so stress and anxious.

    Bone Density Scans will not show up any cancer at all. It is not a test for cancer in the bones. The bone density scan is a routine scan usually done when you are on hormone suppression eg things lies AIs. 

    There is no point trying to interpret the image you see. You're not trained to do that. The white spot is probably calcium in the bone. 

    Keep busy, do things you like to do. 
  • Kahm
    Kahm Member Posts: 21
    Thanks, Cath
    That's good to hear. I’m trying to be sanguine, and just sit with the uncertainty of it all (my Drs will call me if they're worried), but my lizard brain didn't get the memo.  

    My lizard brain is running around remembering my first mammogram, and all the little white calcification dots that were *not* a good sign.

    At least it's the weekend, and I don't have to go to work and pretend not to be freaking out.
    I will snuggle with my kids today, and enjoy the sunshine.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Here's a link to explain Bone Density Scan

    Take care
  • Kahm
    Kahm Member Posts: 21
    Thanks, iserbrown.

    I’ve read the info you linked, and I think I understand what the scan is looking for I even have a (moderately) detailed understanding of how the technology works (for a patient, at any rate).
     It’s just that what I saw on the screen gave me a massive fright. It's not necessarily rational, and I'm trying to ride the anxiety, but it's hard. Especially at 2 in the morning, when my thinking-brain is well and truly offline.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

  • Kahm
    Kahm Member Posts: 21