2011 Sister diagnosed with and treated for a malignant sarcoma on her leg. 2012 Sister-in-law diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. 2013 Sister diagnosed with and treated for Stage 3 BC. 2014 Sister's BC returns, metastasised to lungs and liver. 2015 Sister-in-law dies. 2016 Father treated for aggressive prostate cancer.…
Breast out, immobilised. How’s the radiation small talk?
So I’ve done a week of radiation and struggling with what’s normal. People here often say the staff are so lovely and supportive blah blah and have effusive praise. There is no conversation or small talk with me, they talk to each other but not to me. But quite frankly, how else could this go? I don’t have language for…
Rise of the machines😩🤬🥴🤢
Is anyone else terrified of the scanners, the beam, the other thing that’s round? It’s been building for weeks. I can call it out right now. This is my first “phobia”. It’s not claustrophobia. Just looking at them terrifies me. And so does everything else - the powerlessness, it’s impersonal and cold, it’s poorly…
12 month scans
This time last year is all a bit of a haze - drs appointments, tests, surgery, treatment - on and on for the next 6 months. Am now approaching my 1 year scan and the anxiety is building up. I know I can’t change the outcome, but somehow this thought does not help a lot. Scan is Friday & then we fly out on Monday for an…
Breathing Techniques for Anxiety
DCIS Support
Hi everyone,My name is Elle, I was diagnosed with High Grade DCIS one week ago today. Since then I have seen the breast surgeon and booked in for a lumpectomy on 5.11.19 and radiation which will come a couple of months after as long as a) My genetic testing comes back okay and b) The DCIS isn't as widespread as the surgeon…
When i joined a couple of weeks ago, i had been diagnosed with grade 3 DCIS on left breast and a small area circa 5 mm diffuse DCIS on the right. I had been to multiple mammograms, ultrasounds, MRI, 4 vacuum core biopsies and continued to work full time throughout. A mad round of waiting rooms and multiple strangers male…
Try this app
I'm having strong memories of my SNB sitting in the same waiting room this morning for a CT and bone scan. Unpleasant. I've avoided sitting in the same chair. Hardly anyone here today. That morning it was heaving with people. I trust this experience will be considerably less painful...
Feelings of Panic
Well, the next scan, blood test and education program at the Greenslopes hospital done today. I am starting to feel this is real and my heart is pounding. I have been gradually telling those who need to know. A friend rang and told me the story of a young friend with cervical cancer who at 32 lost the battle. She asked why…
It's the middle of the night and I'm having a quiet fret about rib pain. I woke up from my BMX & recon (27/4/18) with a sore lower left rib. I queried it with my PS when he deigned to speak to me but he dismissed it with a 'we did a lot of pulling and stretching in the area'. It's never gone away, coming and going at…