Long messy ramble - fertility after BC - needed a vent (thanks & sorry!)
Well once again I havent stopped by here for a while. I have been feeling too sad and needed to get my thoughts sorted out a bit better before trying to write it out. (this website is very cathartic) In December I decided to be proactive with the idea of starting a family since I had been given permission to stop taking…
Wobbly nearing the end of active treatment
19 days ago I had my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction, last Friday I saw the oncologist, yesterday I saw the plastic surgeon and today I saw my breast surgeon. At the end of the appointment he said see you in six months. Right from the start I always knew that this time was going to be a challenge for me. That when…
are you classed as having Breast cancer
Hi everyone, my name is Sue and 6 weeks ago now I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Cancer... Everything happened so quickly diagnosis, tests, more tests, then surgery. I had a lumpectomy and my tumour was 11.6 mm, The Dr took the sentinal node, and found no cancer cells in it, and say he got it all and is happy and to…
Family Drama
I just want to say I have had an absolutely shit day because of my family. Not the one I live with, but the one I was born into. I won't bore you with the details, but I've been incredibly upset, and my stress levels, already high, are now through the roof. What do other people do when they have family dramas…
The Ripple Effect
My diagnosis, from a routine mammogram rather than finding a lump, has caused several of my friends in their 40s & 50s to have a mammogram themselves . Has this happened to anyone else? My best friend, the one to whom I tell all the things, and my partner in my India endeavours, got a call back 10 days ago. 10 days of…
Confronting flashbacks
I've just arrived to see my counsellor. Where I normally see her is really busy so I've been sent two doors up to the Breast Screen clinic where I had my mammograms, ultrasound and biopsy. And of all the rooms she could be in, she's in the very room where I got my diagnosis. I haven't been here since that day. I'm having…
How mental health affects physical health
Note from BCNA: The following is a guest post in a series we're bringing you this year. Dr Helen Donovan is a health psychologist specialising in initiating and maintaining long-term health behaviour change. Her experiences encompass:* health coaching with individuals and groups * developing, implementing and evaluating…
Is it possible for a 16-year-old to get breast cancer?
I'm 16 and have a family history of breast cancer. My mother carried both the BRCA 1 & 2 genes (and was diagnosed during her mid-thirties) from my nan, who had breast cancer three times. I've been checking my breasts regularly from the age of 13 (at my pop's suggestion), and have recently noticed a small lump underneath my…
Tamoxifen and depression
Hi, after double mastectomy, removing of 11 lymph nodes and 5 operations due to infection, i went on to 4 a.c. then 10/12 paclitaxel. Lost hair toe nails, immense pain in hands and feet. Always remained very positive and happy. Have been on tamoxifen for nearly two weeks and i am so down and keep crying. Has anyone…
Scan post treatment - YES OR NO???
My mum had stage three triple negative breast cancer. She had a mastectomy in December last year, 6 months of aggressive chemotherapy followed by a course of radiotherapy. Besides having a bone scan when first diagnosed she has not had any other scan. Her oncologist stated she does not find a scan post treatment useful.…