The Ripple Effect

kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
edited March 2018 in Day to day
My diagnosis, from a routine mammogram rather than finding a lump, has caused several of my friends in their 40s & 50s to have a mammogram themselves . Has this happened to anyone else?

My best friend, the one to whom I tell all the things, and my partner in my India endeavours, got a call back 10 days ago. 10 days of being on tenterhooks, 10 days of that sick feeling I know you all know.

She went to the clinic (in Perth) yesterday. Mammogram, ultrasound. They found two lumps. Biopsy. I had to wait a week for my biopsy results, my friend just 24 hours.

Benign. Both gloriously benign! I feel so insanely happy it's almost as if I've had a phone call to say my diagnosis has been a horrible mistake! Mind you, I'd be mighty pissed off about the chemo...

I wanted to share this joy. I haven't smiled much over last four months but I've been grinning all afternoon!  :)<3:)


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    That must be an excellent feeling! You have made someone aware and the result is good! Well done. I didn't find a lump
    either so I advocate to get any change checked out. I think it was @iserbrown who passed on a terrific egg carton image of possible breast problems - very useful! 

    Good to imagine you smiling!! 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    Great news! What a relief for you and your friend. I found my lump when I did a stretching movement for my bad back (gardening) and decided to feel my stretched breast whilst I was at it. I'm telling everyone to check their breasts now. It was pure chance I found it when I did. 
  • Rosie_BCNA
    Rosie_BCNA Member Posts: 217
    Great news @kmakm! @Afraser and @iserbrown you may be interested to know BCNA has been working on a project with the designer of the know your lemons campaign. Corrine has designed a Communications Toolkit for people with newly diagnosed metastatic breast cancer using the metaphor of a dandelion. BCNA has partnered with Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (MBCA) to adapt the toolkit for the Australian setting and it will soon be piloted in Australia. We will keep you posted with further details. Rosie  
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    That is great news @kmakm
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Thank you @iserbrown and @Rosie_BCNA
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I do wish more of my friends would make their appointments. I think they're all too scared.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    What a good idea @Rosie_BCNA. I've seen the egg carton of lemons around a lot. I think it's a striking image that delivers the message well.

    I was sitting next to a lady while I was waiting for a prescription in the chemist today. She spotted my baldy head and cap and struck up conversation as she had the same head. Lobular 14 years ago. Recurrence, in her bones. She was quite cheerful and we talked chemo, treatments, her coulda woulda shouda regrets of her first treatment. It was such a thoughtful & touching conversation. I didn't know much about metastatic breast cancer before I came on this forum, despite my sister's experience (she kept much of her treatment private). The more people know and understand the better. More power to your elbow!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It's understandable but nuts eh @sister. I'd put mine off for a year but screwed my courage to the sticking place and did it. Thank goodness. My tumour was so deep, who knows how far gone I'd be before I was able to notice it.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I'm still amazed that I seemed to do it at just the right time for it to be found
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @sister So good
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803

    Great news @kmakm! @Afraser and @iserbrown you may be interested to know BCNA has been working on a project with the designer of the know your lemons campaign. Corrine has designed a Communications Toolkit for people with newly diagnosed metastatic breast cancer using the metaphor of a dandelion. BCNA has partnered with Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (MBCA) to adapt the toolkit for the Australian setting and it will soon be piloted in Australia. We will keep you posted with further details. Rosie  

    Wonderful to hear!  

    Have a lovely Easter break, take care
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Good on you @Sandyr, that's brilliant! it's such an important message. You are part of saving your ex d-i-l's life, incredible. I hope you are travelling OK with your own health  :)
  • Sandyr
    Sandyr Member Posts: 11
    Yes I am ok transitioning from a ppointments and rad, to trying to get back to some normality.still getting some fatigue but is getting less everyday. The best advice I was given by my the breast care nurse was put on your blinkers when it comes to doing housework and cooking, which I have it's time to catch up SLOWLY with all that.