Reaching out

emily30 Member Posts: 1
edited October 1 in General discussion

Just reaching out with the hope of getting things off my chest to people who understand the worry and may have similar experiences.

Luckily I did not end up being diagnosed with cancer, for which I am blessed. But I guess at the age of 32 and going through this I have found it hard to find answers and talk to anyone who can understand.. 

So long story short after going for a first time breast check for a concern on my right side I ended up in a whirlwind with the sonographer finding “architectual distortion” on my left side. After ultrasound, mammo, mri, core biopsy, this ended up in Birads 5 finding of with “2 enhancing spiculated masses (9.1mm & 12mm) that join together in an irregular linear NME (26mm) ” and a whole lot of worry… 

The core biopsy result was “radial scar” (lucky I know compared to the alternative), so I ended up having a wide excision biopsy 3 weeks ago. 

Pathology from this included: 2x radial scars, florid UDH, sclerosing adenosis, columnar cell change, columnar cell hyperplasia, PASH, duct ectasia, fibrocystic changes, apocrine adenosis and benign calcification.

My concern is the surgery was at site “1’ 3” but my MRI report had also shown an “6mm arterially enhancing focus” in the central breast parenchyma at 12 o clock’4.5  The focus was not biopsied even though mentioned on the report.. is that normal for a focus?

also in the final pathology from surgery it stated the “radial scars extend into the inferior and anterior margins”

I know it is wonderful news no malignancy was found at surgery, but somehow the mind still wonders if anything would have been missed..

I have follow up imaging in 12 months, 

Also has anyone else had any of these benign conditions- are they normal? Just feels like so many questions and not much information out there or people who can share their experiences :)

Thank you :)



  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    Hi @emily30

    I’m sorry you have had no response so
    far but certainly I completely lack the medical knowledge to comment on what you describe. Can you follow up with your surgeon to explain what all this means? Or even your GP? 

    No cancer is certainly good news but there’s a lot in this information that, for many, doesn’t really inform! 

    I hope you can get some reassuring clarification soon. Best wishes.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    As @Fraser says, @emily30 .... yours is an unusual story - but what a great ending!  Woohoo!  NO cancer diagnosed, so well done, you - I hope you had some celebrations xx

    But in the meantime, you DID have all the same tests & surgery that most of us have - including the 'fright' of the possibility of a positive diagnosis and now recovering from the actual surgery as well .....

    So now you've got to try & explain it all to your family & friends ... which may be tricky as you don't really understand it all, yourself xx

    Were you 'given' a Breast Care Nurse? Can you chat to them about it?   I think you really DO need to understand all that went on & why -  I am guessing, really, that your surgeon would be the one to chat with there.   You should be having followup meetings with him .... write down what you've put in your post - and ask him to explain it 'in plain English' for you.

    take care & all the best for your ongoing recovery xx