Feeling scared and just a bit angry

Kaz27 Member Posts: 4
Hi, I'm  Karen, 61yo, from Victoria.
I was diagnosed in September, my birthday actually, I was numb. I had been dealing with a very coercive relationship, narcissism, gaslighting the lot, to be told this news was just too much, I had all sorts going through my head,  How do I tell my children? How do I do this? Why me? Everything was so hard to process and even now I'm struggling. 
I  was told it was an Oestrogen based cancer, sorry I cant remember much of that conversation, but 2 Biopsies, the first one they biopsied the wrong lymph node, Pet scan, M.R.I and blood test later to be told sorry its not good news, well having a lump in the breast isnt good news anyway but, I had my right breast and Lymph nodes removed, then to be told its bad news I'm so sorry was another kick in the guts, 35 of my 36 nodes were affected, so onto another more thorough Pet scan, blood test and M.R.I, To get the good news that it wasn't anywhere else in my body. 
Now I'm preparing for Chemo to start on the 2nd of Jan and I'm absolutely terrified, I have no emotional or any other support at home, even though I'm told everyday that he cares, they say actions speak louder than words well Im yet to see any, my son who is my heart,  doesn't know how to deal with this and neither do I. They have just had an Eptopic pregnancy and I'm hurting for them, we were all so excited and happy.
I don't know what to do or how I'm going to do it, my living situation is so toxic to my mental health and is impacting on my son and daughter-in-law as well. My partner is trying to get me out of the house and that is something I can't deal with at the moment as I'm trying to deal with being there for my son and daughter-in-law and Chemo, I feel like I'm rambling, my life is a mess, I just don't know what to do. Sorry for the rambling talk I'm not very good at putting things on paper, everything is very disjointed.


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Hi Karen, Sorry to see you here. We welcome everyone in to our club and yet wish no one had to be part of it. Cancer is scary. No if’s or buts. Unless you have been through it, you won’t understand the trauma it causes. Your partner may be struggling to come to terms with it as well and doesn’t know how to act. Your first priority at this point of time is you. Try to get out with some friends or go for a walk in the fresh air. Do something you enjoy. Getting our minds even partially off the cancer helps. Make up some meals and freeze them. This will help on those days that everything is just too much. Sending big hugs.
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 303
    Hi @Kaz27 🌸🌻 sending you lots of positive energy to help with all that you have going on.
    It sounds like the many threads you’re holding together are pulling in a few different directions; if you can, it’s okay - arguably most important- to prioritise yourself ahead of starting chemo. 
    Perhaps talking to the call centre offered by Cancer Council might be a good support, whilst the BCNA Helpline is taking a break. Here’s the details shared with us: Cancer Council www.cancer.org.au or 13 11 20 (available 27-31 December from 11am – 3pm (AEDT))  
    Maybe another option is to get in touch with a breast care nurse through the McGrath Foundation as their role can often involve connecting you with other support services https://www.mcgrathfoundation.com.au/get-support/
    Sending you lots of good wishes as the next few days unfold. 🌻
  • Suziw1957
    Suziw1957 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2024
    Hi Kaz, I know that no-one particularly wants to join this club but if you have to have breast cancer you will find that its full of beautiful, caring human beings to help support you through your journey. 

    I have had a similar experience privately and considered reaching out to the Social Worker at Tweed Valley Hospital where I have my treatment. 

    Is that an option for you? 

    There is a lot of information on this website and the helpline is also worth making a call to. 

     Some members will also offer to pm with you.  I have  Grade 3, Triple Negative BC and cant comment re your particular diagnosis but there is no substitute for another person living with a similar diagnosis.

    Sending you lots of love and healing hugs.  You are the most important person in your life right now lovely lady.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    SO sorry to hear of your diagnosis and associated stress and drama @Kaz27

    Have you been assigned to a Breast Cancer Nurse yet?  I hope so.  See if you can contact them, to talk thru some of your issues xx   Or your cancer centre Social Worker, as mentioned by @Suziw1957 .... 

    BCNA also has a 'booking system' for a helpline call here ( make contact & ask for them to contact you xx ):

    The Mod Team - @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA @Daina-BCNA @Kate_BCNA @Denise_BCNA @Rish@Risha_BCNA 

    If you wish to speak with the Helpline team please fill in this form:

    https://www.bcna.org.au/helpline-self-referral-form/ )

    Take plenty of deep breaths, try & take one day at a time, one hour if needs be ..... 

    take care xx

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 982

    Hi @Kaz27 it has been a rough time for  besides you getting breast cancer was your partner like this before your diagnosis  

    Im sorry to hear about your family loss  that on its own would be bad enough  

    As everyone has said one day at a time and take a  breathe  you have to be number 1 priority at the moment  please jump on here and let off steam rant rave whatever we never judge  

    If you can make use of the My Journey App  its a very useful tool also there is a handy tick sheets that are helpful (just put tick sheet in the search 🔍 bar and go to the first page)

    The cancer centre that your having your chemo at can possibly put you in touch with a nurse 

    I just copied this from the Community News and event category 

    Our help line will re open on the 6th January 

    If you require additional support through this time, please contact one of the following organisations: 

    • Cancer Council www.cancer.org.au or 13 11 20 (available 27-31 December from 11am – 3pm (AEDT))  

    • Lifeline www.lifeline.org.au available 24/7 

      PLEASE don’t try to do this on your own. If you put a more general area in Victoria Someone on here from closer by might direct you to more specific things available  near you 

      Your post can also become like a tracker for how things are going. 

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 982
    edited January 11
    @Kaz27  Glad you have gotten help in all areas. Glad that narcissistic X is out of the picture. 
    Not personally gone through that but my daughter did. It was hard being on the sidelines watching it all happen. It was pre 1800respect was a thing. He was physically and mentally abusive. 
    She has moved on but is very mentally scared from it all. She sees councillor and psychology to this day and it was 14 years ago she escaped. 
    Healing ❤️‍🩹 thoughts for you as you navigate you’re treatment plan ahead. Its a long road but it is doable.
     How was your Chemo hope its been okay. 
    Keep a record of how you’re feeling after each treatment that way the team can assess you properly.  
    Hope you getting given some de-stress techniques 
    mine were invaluable. I Still use them today when needed. 
    Jump on here and let us know how you’re going when you feel up to it. 

  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 303
    edited January 11
    Oh @Kaz27 so sorry you’re grappling with these issues when you need space to stay on track with your health; I am glad you are reconnecting with people who care about and can support you ❤️🌸
    I am not sure if you are regional or Melbourne based but for your legal concerns you might find the Womens Legal Service a helpful organisation. I believe they may be able to support you (if you’re eligible) or if they can’t they might connect you to services that you can access. 
    Sending you lots of hugs and strength 🌸🌻

  • Kaz27
    Kaz27 Member Posts: 4
    Hi everyone, well headed into my second Chemo session and found I had a DVT in my left upper bicep, of course can't use the right arm, mastectomy and lymphectomy, or whatever it's called 😅
    I'm on blood thinners and back to see the Dr's on Tuesday. I will most likely have to get either a Port or a PICC, whatever they suggest I suppose. I'm just trying my best to keep positive and moving forward with all the other bits of fluff that's going on in my life, but F me it's hard.
    I have a great counselling team who also are my Advocates for all the legal stuff, police were told I was the aggressor in the relationship, which just floored me, I suppose it shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. I sometimes think physical abuse is better than mental or psychological abuse, not wanting or meaning to be offensive to anyone, I have now experienced both and one is more noticeable and proven than the other sadly. I feel stupid and like I'm going crazy at times, explaining what happened over and over, being asked was he physically violent over and over. 
    Sorry for the rant, just meh with everything today. 😶‍🌫️😮‍💨
    I know that there is and will be light at the end of the tunnel and I will get there eventually, just having a shit lonely day.

  • Beginner
    Beginner Member Posts: 23
    Hi Kaz27 - sorry to hear all you have gone through. When things feel overwhelming for me, I just try to think one day at a time and try and find something that will pick me up a bit eg. Walk, nice food, watching a lighthearted show, seeing a friend etc. I hope you can get some support from your treating team, son and counsellors.
  • Kaz27
    Kaz27 Member Posts: 4
    I have tried to bring myself back down to taking it one day at a time, and it's slow going but getting back to it. I have my breathing exercises as well. I know that everyone in this group has felt this way at times so I'm immensely grateful that I can come on here and vent and know that I'm not being judged or thought of as crazy. 😊💗
    I know I have a huge task ahead of me, more court proceedings 😮‍💨, Chemo 😮‍💨, packing and sorting my life belongings 😮‍💨 and I'm sure there will be more but today it's wash the towels, cut what's left of my longer bits of hair 🤣 and have a bloody good laugh at myself 🤣🤣 short hair has never suited me, let alone no hair 🤣

    Yes I've lost my hair, but I'm saving a ton on shampoo. 😂😂
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 303
    hi @kaz27 sorry to hear about the complications with going into your second chemo session and hope you can have the treatment again to keep it moving forward. 
    It sure sounds like you’re doing what you can to stay positive 🌻🌸👏 and are keeping a bit of sense of humour. 
    You are juggling quite a bit there and that’s absolutely tough for you- sending big virtual hugs 🌻🌻❤️
  • paulinagtzr
    paulinagtzr Member Posts: 1
    Sending love and good vibes. it is all very scary, but it is life, and some bad things come to our doors to teach us something. sending virtual hugs.