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My right breast doesn't feel the same anymore ... Is this the new norm post lumpectomy, chemo & rad?

viking1 Member Posts: 293
edited February 26 in General discussion
I had my lumpectomy in June 2017 and lymph nodes in right arm removed in July. Chemo stopped at Xmas and rad in March. Now I am just on Herceptin until Oct. I have been noticing changes over  the past few months that are more apparent now. I see my breast physio regularly for massage and exercises for the scar tissue in my right arm, side and breast...causes pain and cramping. I noticed a while ago that in the bath my right nipple doesn't get cold i.e. erect. I don't mind a lazy nipple, but have also noticed my areola area feels rubbery and not soft like my left side. My breast physio has me massaging the area to help with pain and breaking down scar tissue. The onc says it's unlikely the scar 'lump' or little ball of scar tissue in my right breast will break down. The breast physio says from her experience, wait and see! Has anyone else had changes such as lazy nipples and rubbery areola ? I'm not in a relationship but wonder if I was would it feel different or strange to someone else. Oh, and my dentist tells me I have no saliva so need to use a special toothpaste and mouthwash...this is from the rad. Hmmm still wading through the collateral damage. Xxx


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Hi @viking1 Glad to hear you made it out the other side, even if it sans saliva and with a rubber nipple. It sounds like you have a few people still onboard, if they are saying wait and see, that's probably all you can do unless something really spooks you. Mxx
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hi @Zoffiel ! I have been quite quiet just still attending appointments but am  almost at the end of the line...probably just breast physio or even outside physio for scar tissue pain to keepp. My breast physio nurse said some ppl don't get it, just keep exercising the arm and massaging twice a day. Can also be due to the radiation pneumonitis/fibrosis … just bad luck. It should ease off about Dec. The rad onc said it usually lasts 9 months. How are you going? Xx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Still plodding along @viking1 Its been two steps forward, one step back which is frustrating sometimes but I choose to think I'm getting somewhere. Quite where that somewhere is is yet to be determined.
    I'm starting a new job next week--equal parts of excitement and trepidation on that front.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @zoffiel What's the job? (quiet squeal of excitement, here!)
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @viking1,

    I am just coming up towards the two year mark from lumpectomy and aux clearance, Rads finished 12 month ago..  I don't think it's ever going to feel exactly normal again.  My nipple isn't lazy but has taken almost till now to get some feeling back.  It's still reasonably numb but seems to be improving.  I get a sharp pain behind it every so often and the skin around the scar line is still pretty hard with next to no feeling. The rest is starting to soften and feel less rock like and the skin sensation is slowly coming back.  It just all takes a long time.  Keep up with the moisturising and massage.

    All the best xoxoxox 
  • Michellebella
    Michellebella Member Posts: 21
    Just reading all your comments regarding lack of feeling etc in Breast 
    area ..I’m still experiencing the same thing ..But what is leaving me in awe , is talk of Breast Physio etc ..I have private health & have never been offered, suggested or recommended what seems to be the norm ...I’m shaking what little hair I have ....
    Im feeling like a one man band at the moment ....In the wrong state I think .lol 
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    @Zoffiel a new job sounds promising! Even if you feel you are going backwards and forwards, you are at least in motion.  Well done!
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hi guys, I have been lazy with my posts. Had a 2cm tumour removed in 2017, Her pos, grade 3. All lymph nodes in right arm removed. I am now clear since 2017 after lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and Herceptin. 
    This is something that annoys me as it feels vain. I am now overweight and the non lumpectomy breast has gotten bigger and sagged (all okay with me as part of aging). I am 60 in March. Single. No kids. But my previously cancerous breast is sitting pretty, all up and perky, while its mate has increased in size and dropped. I guess that is due to the surgery. I remember Jennifer Saunders said her surgeon did a lift on her other breast with her cancer. I do not want to have elective surgery but find no bra fits me. I need a brand that can accomodate XL back fat and provide some cleavage for special occasions. I am at present wearing the Taking Shape wire free bras in a 22-24 which baffles me as I used to be a 14DD to 16DD. Can you recommend some bras? They need to be no underwire. I feel this sounds ridiculous but just caught sight of my bra less self today with diagonal breasts! Xxx

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Hi @viking1. This bra fitting is fun. Hate it with a passion. I’ve bought so many to try find the right fit. My Berliei bras i got in the beginning are on their last legs 
    No support left. My replacement Berlei one style no y196b is my favourite I am a dd on one side and a d on the other  I got the D size and squish the bigger boob in seeing as it’s mostly sagging boob skin , for the extra back area I use bra extenders to get the extra distance/length. Kmart have one nearly the same style but not as nicely made and had to get the dd in it and still use the bra extenders 
    i can take pictures if you like  they are not glamor bras i get them for comfort more than anything. 

  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hi and thank you! I feel better knowing it’s not just me - but not happy it’s happening to you too! I guess I hadn’t anticipated that my boobs would sag with gravity as I was content with them. Looks like I had a breast lift and the Dr forgot the other side! 
    I will get the extenders - didn’t think of that! And look at the playtex range. I really wanted a bit of cleavage bra as all mine are comfort ones. I have found that maternity bras are very comfy! Thank you so much for replying. ❤️💕💕💕
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @viking1 I dont chase the cleavage as my surgery was centre to middle of the breast and have a neat but distinct patch job. I once had a great cleavage. Haha. With my swimwear I ve stopped bothering if the scar is visible a sun shirt fixes that Im nearly 68 now and i can only imagine as the years go one the boobs will just get more saggy. They will never be the same size again. Great thing is im still alive mets and all.  like you my surgery was in 2017. 
    Best of luck with the hunt for what i call sexy bra. 
    I just try to make whats on top a bit pretty these days 
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    i’m turning 60 in March. Don’t have a bf to impress re cleavage, just would like just one bra that gives me some oomph if I ever go anywhere! I never imagined I’d get breast cancer as I was fairly flat chested at school and my bra was a 12c for years. But weight gain changed that. I did have some 14DD cleavage up until my lumpectomy and then I wore what was comfortable and no bra at home. I have always been one to take my bra off as soon as I got home lol. 
    Wow we are twins re dates! I am in WA and went to Sir Charles Gairdener public hospital for my op. They we great, on the whole. The two times I had febrile neutropenia I went to Joondalup Hospital as closest. I am sorry to hear you have Mets. I had Stage 2 Her2 positive - Grade 3. All my lymph nodes have been removed from right arm. How are you doing with treatment, if any? Xxx
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,323
    Hi @viking1
    I am in Sydney and there is a great shop here called Leila O’Toole for breast cancer patients , sells great  swimwear , soft forms and other things.
    I found out about it from my breast care nurse - I wonder if there is something similar in Perth.
    Also if you would like more surgery it’s ok and I don’t think it’s really “ elective” as you didn’t elect to have breast cancer and you may be eligible for it free in the public system - no harm in asking - hopefully some ladies on here from Perth can jump on here.
    I had a double mastectomy with DIEp flap reconstruction in 2021/22 and am now 66.
    I had it in the private system and it was expensive.
    I was an E cup and am now C cup and very happy with the result.
    I went on a diet and exercise pro gram when I got the diagnosis and lost the 10 kilos I had put on over 30 years and have kept it off - I saw an exercise physiologist and knew what I had to do diet wise .
    I asked my plastic surgeon was I too old at 62 for the surgery and he said he had operated on plenty of ladies in their  70s and didn’t I know that  60 was the new 50!
    But of course surgery is not to be considered lightly - just something you might consider in the mix.
    But with the right bra you might be able to sort some thing out.
    Best of luck .

  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,323
    Hi @viking1
    I just had a look at the internet and Breast Care WA looks promising.
    There are probably others.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hiya and thank you for the info! I was actually attached to Breast Cancer WA during all my treatment and can’t speak highly enough of them. My family couldn’t handle my diagnosis so all my support came from outside sources. If anyone is in Perth, they are a godsend offering so many resources including counselling. I admit I had a more active social life with them than now! 
    I am not in favour of having a breast lift on my “good” breast due to scarring (the internal kind) and any possible risks. I think that it is a good choice for many women and respect that but I can a good bra to fake it! 
    You have done so well! I need to lose 10kgs as a starter as I have diabetes2 . I think an exercise physiologist would be great as I lack motivation- the treadmill ended up being a clothes rack! 
    Many thanks for your advice and I am taking away a lot of ideas and your story is so motivating to me! Love ❤️