Swiming in Geelong
Hi ladies, I would like to get a group of girls to go swiming onces a week. My be in Geelong or Ocean Grove pool. In summer we can be more adventures and swim in Pt. Londsdale. We can set our target to do the Rip View Swim Classic in Nov. If you are interest please visit "Swiming in Geelong" Group and joing the group.…
We are having a dinner get together in Geelong tonight. Once we get some more members on the web I will keep you posted as to our future activities. As I have mentioned we are basically set up as a face to face support group at this stage but do help people by talking on the phone or by e-mail
Network activity
There has been a fair bit of activity within the online network over the past weeks! This is very exciting. How are you all finding it? Remember if you have any questions or just want to make comments, post them here....Now!
Hi I have been given the task of administering this group as I am the contact person for our group. We are a small group in Geelong Vic. who meet to give each other support and to have a bit of fun with others who share our journey. Let us know something about yourselves. Cheers Gillian
Wow! A new website!
So. It seems we have a new website! :) In case you didn't notice, this afternoon we switched over from the old site to the new, so when you type in www.bcna.org.au, you'll now get the new website (if you've been using the testing URL, don't worry -- your profile and details will be exactly the same). We think it's looking…
Hi Girls, Here we are with our very own blog page which is only open to members of the BB gIrls so feel free to write whatever you want! Sue
hi i am very new to this so i hope what i am doing is ok i would like to speak on line to anyone that is going through chemo or radiation or who has finished i am due to have my 3rd chemo tomorro all being well with my blood test
Important update! Please read.
Hi all, We're about to deploy some new code to the site, so wanted to let you know in advance that you will notice some substantial changes. Important: please read the section on changes to privacy settings and subscriptions below. Homepage The first thing you'll notice is we will have our new homepage. Right now we…
Progress report
Hi all, Here we are at the end of our second week of soft launch. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?! :) What's happening this week This week we're continuing to work with the developers on fixing small issues remaining from the first launch, as well as testing some new functions for the content section of the site…
Hi everyone, Just to let you know we'll be doing a bit of work on the network over the long weekend, so there may be some periods where the site is either very slow, or not available. We'll try and keep that to a minimum but need to keep working to make sure we're ready for Live launch on May 7. Apologies for any…
Welcome new members!
A great big welcome to all our Community Liaisons, Advocates and Member Group contacts who've joined the site in the last few days. It's great to see you here. We'd ask all new members to please read our Network Terms of Use and Posting guidelines. Once you have, here’s some suggestions for what to do next: * Complete your…
Progress report
Hi all, We've almost made it to the end of our first week in the new network. It's great to see you all setting up your profiles and some new groups spring up. Here's a quick roundup of things you might need to know: What's happening this week This week we're working with our developers on fine-tuning the code that's…