Work Wise...
I started the process of applying for partial invalidity through my superannuation fund today. Before breast cancer, I worked full time in a high profile government agency as a senior HR manager. It took a lot of energy and time to complete my university degree so that I could make the leap into higher level management. At…
Ok I think I have it. My name is Dot and I am 42 yrs old. I was diagnosed on 16/9/2010 with 2x DCIS in right breast and 1 invasive in left. I had a MRI it found another area of DCIS in the right breast. I will be having my bilateral masectomy on 4/11/2010. As you can see by the time I dont sleep well anymore. I am really…
Hi my name is Dot I am 42 years old. I have just join and I do have a copy of My Journey. I was just diagnosed on 16/9/2010 with 2 lots of DCIS in right breast and 1 invasive in the left. I had a MRI on 23/9/2010 and found another area of DCIS in the right breast. I will be having my bilateral mastectomy on 4/11/2010. As…
Having problems in getting blog to work
Rose Coloured Glasses
Someone told me today that one of the things they love about me is my positive attitude towards life. Not that there's been a whole lot lately to be positive about. Still, I try to find something to smile about each day. I asked this friend if that was a bad thing as I am aware that I think some things are better than they…
My Cancer Journey - The beginning
My Journey with Breast Cancer 7 Dec 2006, it all started with a pain in the right breast – strange that….. I thought that I’d better get it checked out… so straight to the GP, who of course orders an ultrasound & a mammogram – seeing as I’m getting close to the 40 mark. So off to have an ultrasound early the next morning,…
Hi all, I'm a newby, my first blog,having fun navigating my way around BCNA Site, how lucky are we to get all this great support. My hubby bought me a laptop so here I am perched up in bed home alone but chatting to so many friends. Heres to many good blogs ahead !!!!!
My first blog
Hi all, I've never blogged before. Been bogged and blobbed, not blogged..till now. So if I do or say it wrong, I'm sorry in advance and I hope you will tell me! November last year, 2009, I came off the hormone treatment tamoxofen. Finally I considered my treatment over. I have noticed some small changes... * Only the odd…
First Blog
well this this my first BCNA blog and Im sure that it wont be the last. Im looking forward to getting started and finding my way around the site. wish me luck..
My Jounrney
This is my first time using the online blog. I am 14 years a survivor in october and very proud.I had 4 young children aged 6,8,10,12, and some days i wonder how I did it,but i did it. I have never been part of any group. I took my children my husband my sister and a very good friend to the field of women this year ,and it…
I've joined the club
Tomorrow I get fitted up for the rads - I used to be on the other side at Peter Mac years ago - so now I'll have the real experience!
First Blog
Hi, Im very new to BCNA and am crossing my fingers that this post will appear on my page. Just hoping to maybe chat to someone who has gone through what I am about to go through myself. : )
New comers profiles and blogs
i have noticed a few new people joining us, and on looking at their blog, to say hello, i have noticed, that the information is hidden. Although this is your right, Can i point out that, when you join, the system automatically hides everything, you have to go into your profile and edit the sections you want people to see…
My First Blog
It's been 8 weeks since life was turned upside down with the diagnosis of DCIS which was to lead eventually to mastectomy. In that time I've told family & friends, taken leave from work, had 2 surgeries, joined a support group, had countless appointments with osteopaths, naturopaths, physiotherapists etc, learnt…
my first blog
Wow what a great way to connect with other survivors! I was diagnosed with early stage grade 3 breast cancer in 2008 (aged 32). My youngest daughter was 10 months old and I had only finished breast feeding her 3 weeks before I accidently felt a lump. I had a lumpectomy, 4 rounds of A/C chemo then 7 weeks of radiotherapy.…