My first blog

Hi all,
I've never blogged before. Been bogged and blobbed, not blogged..till now.
So if I do or say it wrong, I'm sorry in advance and I hope you will tell me!
November last year, 2009, I came off the hormone treatment tamoxofen. Finally I considered my treatment over.
I have noticed some small changes...
- Only the odd hot flush
- Night sweats easing
- emotionally in more control
Well, that's a start I guess.
Until next time,
Love Mxo
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I had a great laugh at your bogged, blobbed comment.
I started blogging when I was diagnosed in 2007. I was a younger women with small children and lived in an isolated rural community. I started blogging and have met some wonderful, inspiring women that helped me with information, support, love and much more. I have since met up with many of these women in person and have developed wonderful friendships with many.
I only hope that you get a some of what I got out of it. I read one of your other comments and thought how wonderful and positive you sounded and how much that message would mean to someone that was just diagnosed.
Happy blogging.
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Thank you Tanya.
I was diagnosed in 2004. 33yrs young, no children. I had::lumpectomy, Sentinal node biopsy, then nodes removed(a teeny bit showed up, but none in the rest of my nodes), chemo, radio, zolodex, tamoxofen. I'm so glad there is now somewhere we can blog (new word to my vocab!-non cancer related!). Even though I'm past the worst, this resource is a great tool. I still have issues and I know that there are women like you out here to comfort and encourage and advise. Thank you.
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hi Emma, I too loved your comments on blogging but thanks for the positive comments on life after tamoxafin. i did 1 year on Tamoxafin but then started my period again so had a full hysterectomy and am now 2 years on Arimadex. I still get the occation hot flush (mainly during the night) blanket on, blanket off sheet on blanket on etc etc, but it's also slowing. The only other times it kicks in is with a hot cuppa or spicy food so thanks for the comfort of looking towards the future being more settled. Good luck and cheers, Kaz
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Hi Emma, Just wanted to thank you again for all your kind caring thoughts.Sounds like you have reached the light and can actually touch it which is what we are all aspiring to. Take care and will definately chat soon luv Jo xoxox
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WOW 2004, kickin cancer butt girl!!
Seriously, it is great to hear positive stories of young women doing well. I know Jane McGrath passed away during my treatment and my husband and friends tried to keep it from me (no TV that day, opps forgot to get the paper ) Well meaning I know. And I remember crying on his shoulder saying "why". And he told me that it is not news worthy to say "Emma is doing well 20 years later " etc.... So I take heart that there are lots of stories of young women doing well.
Thankyou for sharing, I am so glad that you discovered "blogging" cause there are many of us that are richer for your blogging. Can you use blogging that many times????? lol