Notifications for new posts in Groups feature!

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 969
edited October 2023 in Online Community Info
Hi Members,

Hi Members,

I am happy to share that a feature many of you have had on your wishlist is now

Notifications for new posts in Groups

A new notification option, allowing users to be notified when there are new posts in their Groups. The new notification setting will be available on your Notification Preferences page - "Notify me of new discussions in groups I am a member of."

When these options are enabled you will receive an in-app, and/or email notification when “New announcements” are posted in Groups you are a member of and “New Discussions” are added to Groups you are a member of.

I have included a couple of screenshots below of how you navigate to this setting:

- Click on your profile image and click ‘Account & Privacy Settings’

- If you are on a desktop/laptop the 'Notification Preferences' will appear to the right (as highlighted). If on a mobile device scroll down past your 'My Story' section and it will appear underneath.

- Scroll down to 'Notify me of new discussions in groups I am a member of' and tick either or both the 'email' / 'Popup' options depending on your preference (highlighted below).

Your changes will automatically be saved as per the image below:


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,826
    edited January 2023
    Terrific, many thanks @Mez_BCNA - greatly appreciated.

    Will it also advise us of replies to any existing post, whether we are tagged or not?

    That will enable us to respond to new posts/replies much quicker. 

    Hopefully, It will invigorate the groups again!  ;) 

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,901
    When I come onto the site I check for personal messages then check for anything new in groups so whilst this function may be good for some I won't be using it, but thank you.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 969
    Thats great @June1952, everyone has different ways of using the Online Network and not everyone wants to receive notifications for everything.

    @arpie you will not receive a notification for new 'comments' in previous Group discussions unless you create or participate or have been tagged in the discussion. In saying this, if there is a discussion you would like to keep updated on that you haven't been involved in directly you can bookmark the discussion and you will receive notifications as well. Hope this helps
  • AmyC
    AmyC Member Posts: 1 New Member
    I’m newly diagnosed and starting chemotherapy. Any groups in the Adelaide hills?
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,826
    We have a few members in the Adelaide Hills @AmyC - so hopefully someone will jump on & identify with you xx  (if 'Adelaide Hills' is put into your 'heading' in the Newly Diagnosed section when moved.)

    Feel free to fill us in on the rest of your story so far xx.  Take care 

    @Mez, could @AmyC's post be put into the Newly diagnosed section, please ... then hopefully Other Adelaide Hills folk will spot it & reply .... 

  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 969
    Thanks @Arpie

    @AmyC I have posted your question as as new discussion to the main forum (following the link )
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,826
    edited June 10
    Welcome to the group, @OTISMYCAT and @cathp .... I've asked the Mods to move both your posts to the Newly Diagnosed section, so that you'll both receive dedicated replies to your posts xx  (Or you could just copy & paste it to the Newly Diagnosed section ...

    In the meantime, you might like to check out this post with lots of info the forum that I hope you'll find interesting xx. We have some off topic threads, re pets, gardens, art & craft - even some funny stuff too, for a laugh (we all need a laugh now & then!)  Feel free to show us yours!