First Blog
well this this my first BCNA blog and Im sure that it wont be the last. Im looking forward to getting started and finding my way around the site. wish me luck..
My Jounrney
This is my first time using the online blog. I am 14 years a survivor in october and very proud.I had 4 young children aged 6,8,10,12, and some days i wonder how I did it,but i did it. I have never been part of any group. I took my children my husband my sister and a very good friend to the field of women this year ,and it…
I've joined the club
Tomorrow I get fitted up for the rads - I used to be on the other side at Peter Mac years ago - so now I'll have the real experience!
First Blog
Hi, Im very new to BCNA and am crossing my fingers that this post will appear on my page. Just hoping to maybe chat to someone who has gone through what I am about to go through myself. : )
New comers profiles and blogs
i have noticed a few new people joining us, and on looking at their blog, to say hello, i have noticed, that the information is hidden. Although this is your right, Can i point out that, when you join, the system automatically hides everything, you have to go into your profile and edit the sections you want people to see…
My First Blog
It's been 8 weeks since life was turned upside down with the diagnosis of DCIS which was to lead eventually to mastectomy. In that time I've told family & friends, taken leave from work, had 2 surgeries, joined a support group, had countless appointments with osteopaths, naturopaths, physiotherapists etc, learnt…
my first blog
Wow what a great way to connect with other survivors! I was diagnosed with early stage grade 3 breast cancer in 2008 (aged 32). My youngest daughter was 10 months old and I had only finished breast feeding her 3 weeks before I accidently felt a lump. I had a lumpectomy, 4 rounds of A/C chemo then 7 weeks of radiotherapy.…
New to this
HI, I have finally found out how to get into site, and I am like many probably seeking the inevitable answers to my many questions. I live in the Newcsatle areaI was diagnosed with Breast cancer on 27/8/10 and as of 15/910 I have had a mastectomy, got home yesterday from hospital, am in a fair bit of pain, and its really…
first blog
Hi, this is my first entry, having read other peoples stories i have decided to add my own. it is a condensed version, but if anyone would like some more info please feel free to ask me. not exactly sure how i feel about doing this, i keep deleting what i've written...and then sitting here waiting to hit the post button,…
I guess I'm lucky...
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer on 2 Aug 2010. I had a lumpectomy and now I face radiation therapy at Royal Brisbane Hospital commencing 6 Oct. I
bcna staff
Having my daily read of bcna blogs, (yes i know i could buy a newspaper), but this is more important... I read Katie Smiths article on the young women conference, and i thought i would just like to thank ALL the staff at BCNA for being there for all breast cancer sufferers, and survivors. Having been to the community…
Having a down day today. Decided to join bcna and reach out to all you fellow members. Lost my dad from cancer early this year. Now my dog has just been diagnosed with adrenal cancer. Can't seem to escape it for too long. Well tomorrows another day hopefully it will be better.
Young Women's Conference Report
On 9 -11 September I was lucky enough to attend the 2nd National Conference for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer,as a representative with BCNA. This was the first conference that I had attended, and I was very much looking forward to meeting all of those attending and listening to the different presentations.…
Young Women's Conference Report
On 9 -11 September I was lucky enough to attend the 2nd National Conference for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer,as a representative with BCNA. This was the first conference that I had attended, and I was very much looking forward to meeting all of those attending and listening to the different presentations.…
HI Ladies. I didn't ralise I hadn't joined thegroup!...so here I am. I loved reading your posts. Well done with your talk Mandy. I love that you looked at our photo for a boost. And I love how close we all got at the liaison weekend. I didn't have any luck with the local newspaper but there is more than one local rag so I…