bcna staff

moira1 Member Posts: 449
edited October 2010 in General discussion

Having my daily read of bcna blogs, (yes i know i could buy a newspaper), but this is more important... I read Katie Smiths article on the young women conference, and i thought i would just like to thank ALL the staff at BCNA for being there for all breast cancer sufferers, and survivors.  Having been to the community liaison course i met a few of you, and i felt that although it is your job, Its not just a job to you all.  All of you really put a lot into giving people support, and are full of enthusiasim, the information that is available is brilliant, Also this site is wonderful, and i'm sure has already helped a lot of women. So just to let you know girls we REALLY Appreciate you all being there, So from the top of bcna to the bottom a BIG THANK YOU FROM ME!!!!! 


  • Amanda_BCNA
    Amanda_BCNA Staff Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    On behalf of all the staff, thank you for your kind words. With regards to working closely with our Community Liaisons, our national Network is so thankful for the involvement and support of women in local communities across the country who help us extend our reach. Part of what makes our jobs so enjoyable is building wonderful working relationships with women so keen to help ensure outcomes are better for other women and families. Our workplace continues to be inspired by your stories and willingness to give back to our organisation. I think for me personally, this is the strength of our organisation being a 'network' and how in working together so much more can be achieved.

    A big thanks again to you and all our Community Liaisons, Member Groups and Advocates who are contributing to the work of our organisation.