hi everyone

hi everyone, just like to apologize if anyone sent me messages that i didnt answer, i have been off line for a couple of days, i found a lump on my opposite breast, and had to have a mammo and ultrasound, but ALL GOOD, but as you all know, the feel of a lump was enough to send me into a tizzy, i have found out i have an anurysm on the brain, so off to adelaide next week for an cerebral angiogram and see a neurosurgeon, i would say bummer, but they found it, on my yearly check up for bc, and i mentioned headaches thinking they could be a side effect of arimidex, so was sent for a ct scan, so i could say i am lucky, if i hadnt had bc i wouldnt have known i had it,, i am also going great guns organising my mini field of women,i live in a small rural town, and i got 50 businesses in town to pink up their premises (didnt think we had 50 businesses), and we are having a pink night on the 29th, and already have 150 women wanting to come, so organising lots of games and laughs, will post some pics after the event. So Everyone stay well, and keep happy
How wonderful we are doing our mini-field on the same day.Will be thinking of you big time. xxxx kaz
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thank you all for your support, it is sooooo good to know others are there, but as my comment above, so glass half full here, if i didnt have bc i might never have found it, and then i might just not have woke up... i like my bed but not that much lol.... take care and thanks i will keep you all posted. X
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So glad to hear about your 'all good', that's great news. And I bet you're glad to find out what's been causing your headaches. Go you with the mini-field (don't forget to put your feet up and take some time for yourself, too!
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Yes i'm all good, hope you had a great holiday, i think the ladies on here are starting to think i'm the administrator on here lol, i have just pointed Lyn11 to you she is trying to create a group, but lost it, i did ask if she had previewed it first, but she didnt know, so was going to try again. also brissielynn (too many Lynn's lol), said she changed her status to show contacts only, but when she done a search without being logged in it showed her blog?? I'm enjoying doing the field of women thing, and have had a great response from the community, my husband and a couple of other guys are even dressing up in pink tutu's to be auctioned off on the pink night and believe me not one of them has a tutu body lol. will post photos should be fun
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Hi there Di, hope you had a great holiday ... did you miss us all ???!!!!
Moira, I'm so glad things are fine with your new "lumpy bits", and good luck with your 2nd trip to Adelaide during the week. Lets hope the "powers that be" are communicating with each other this time and someone will have a clue as to why you are there.
I was suffering with dizzy spells and headaches a couple of months ago so was taken off arimidex for a month while I had cat scans etc to make sure they weren't side effects of the "pill". went back to the oncologist and he was quite please to tell me there was nothing there. I did think for one minute that he meant he couldn't find the brain, but no it's there and got the pics to prove it. The dizzy bits and aches were a middle ear infection so that was a relief ... now I'm back on the pill!!
Have just about finished pinking up Wentworth, just have to deliver a couple more decoration packs tomorrow and finish the club - then the town is done. Have got merchandise in three outlets, and will have an info stand and sell mor on Breast Cancer Day on 25th Oct.
My pub is having a big fundraiser on Fri 29th Oct .... raffles, pizzas, $1 donation off each drink, live band etc etc and everyone going pink - even the guys!!!! Terry is going to spray his hair and beard pink and the publicans' son is thinking about pink body paint!!!
The mini-Field of Women is set down for Sunday 31st on the banks of the Darling River, live music and hopefully releasing lots of balloons during the afternoon.... just a relaxing peaceful couple of hours (I think that's what it's supposed to be, never having been to one before)
I've also written to our club to see if their anual Melb Cub Ladies afternoon could change to a Pink ladies afternoon. .... the jury's still out on that one!!!
Have been approached for next year .... there is a tractor rally in June and someone has offered to paint his tractor pink if I can get a team of ladies to drive it .... how about it girls?? .....also the golf club want to have a benefit day next October.
Mission for Di !!!
Now you are back and fully rested, here's a thought. How about a photo album page (a la facebook) where we could share photos and show everyone what we are doing? Just a thought!!! I tried the insert /edit image bit in this comment section but couldn't get it to work - all I could get were little boxes with x's in them
Cheers .... Shirl
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Holiday was lovely and very restful. I even made a garden!
Yes, do point people to me if they can't work something out, but by all means you're very welcome to give the answer if you know it.
I would *so* love to see your hubby in a tutu, sounds like a sight not to be missed! Do post some photos for us all to laugh at ... err, I mean, admire.
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Thanks Shirl, had a great holiday. It was good to have one at home for a change (no rushing around 'seeing the sights', and got lots of stalled projects finished, yay! ).
Not sure what went wrong with your insert of pics. You do need to have your image already on the web somewhere and then paste the link into the little box that pops up when you click on the image icon. Is that what you did --do you have your pic in flickr, or facebook, or somewhere? Email me in the office if you're still stuck so we can get to the bottom of it (so we don't hijack Moira's blog any more!) - it should work just like a gallery.
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Glad to hear all is heading in the right direction for you and nothing is stopping you with your Mini Field event.. I have just found out why my "dog bark" won't go away - pneumonia. And my husband had the cheek to say "Do you think you will have to call off Saturday - Mini Field" A dog's bark won't stop this old bc survivor. I have just returned from Brisbane celebrating my daughters 30th birthday and having to mix with the ex husband - Yuk - nothing stopped me looking alright and I did manage to hold off with the dog barks for most of the night!!!- not a glamour look!!! Keep as well as you can and good luck with your events. XLeonie PS - looking forward to the tutu pics.
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Hi Leonie, fancy your hubby thinking that a little thing like a bout of pneumonia would make you cancel your Mini-Field...... oh he of little faith !!!
Glad to hear you "glammed-up" for your daughter's 30th ..... make the X look twice and think about what he missed out on!!!
Make sure you look after yourself and good luck for Saturday.
Cheers ..... Shirl xx
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well once again back from adelaide, but have to return next week again, i think they think its round the corner and not 650ks away lol, looks like an op with clamping, so going to plan that, but as my field of women is on next week as well, we will go over and back on the same day (Tues), then i can take up my pink women and get them planted round town, and look forward to the friday night. thanks for all you support girls,and keep up the good work. look forward to seeing all the photos,
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Take care Moira, I'm just so glad that it is found and can be sorted out now.Thinking of you, Nic xx
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Hi there, we'll all be sending good vibes to you tomorrow ..... "we are woman - hear us roar" ...... knock us down and see how high we rebound !!!!
As Leonie said, let someone else plant your ladies, supervise if you must but look after No 1 Pink Lady ...YOU !!!
Take care ... Shirl xxx
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Hi Moira,
Have been offline for some time but wanted to say good luck with all that's going on with you - I sincerely hope things go well for you next trip to Adelaide.
Remember to keep smiling!
Cheers, Pamela
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there is no other way Pamela than keep smiling thank you for your note, will be going in for the op on the 6th dec, so all is well at the moment, have just finished organising a week of mini field of women in our community which went really well, pinked up town, and a pink night in at our hall on friday, so still tying up ends, but had a great response, and things like this take your mind off anything else.
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Hi Moira, just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and sending you positive vibes for the op soon! Thank goodness they found the annurism when they did! If you can get through breast cancer you can get through anything Moira! Where do you live in SA? I'm in Adelaide (and like you, also had BC in 2008!). I hope you dont mind me adding you as a contact..? Take care and will be thinking of you on the 6th, Celeste x