End chemo round 2
Another round complete. Round 3 tomorrow. Again I am back to feeling 90%. This time was so much easier due to reduction in steroids, but still went numb from head to toe. Makes life difficult and means I am isolated at home. However, I have been able to get around without the headaches, limited nausea and have been able to…
New to group
Hi all, I have only just joined the group. I'm 33 years old and was diagnosed with triple negative BC in February, a few weeks after moving to Sydney with my family (2 kids - 6 & 3) from the UK. Talk about bad timing! Since diagnosis I have also had genetic testing and it turns out that I have the BRACA1 gene mutation -…
new to the forum- Advice
Hi, I'm new to this forum (so please be patient). It has been 7 months since I completed all my treatment for Breast Cancer, which consisted of Chemo and radiation. I am now on tamoxifen. This was my second time round , 1st occured 13 years ago when I was 30 yrs old. After I completed my radiation I had a very bad sinus…
First Blog
Hello and welcome to our Asian women with BC & friends & supporters group. This is our first blog and I invite you all (7 of us so far) and your supporters and friends to feel free to connect and share with the group. If you would like to send me a short email about yourself that would be great, those of you I don't know…
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and supportive friends and workplace. I can't believe how lucky I am to have so much love and support around me. I want to give back to those who aren't as lucky as I am
Kick-starting the Pink Bun Campaign!
Hello All, As you may know, BCNA's Pink Bun Campaign is again in full swing! From 3 May - 23 May 2012, the annual Pink Bun Campaign sees all 615 Bakers Delight bakeries donate 100% of the sale of their Pink Finger Buns to BCNA. During the campaign, all bakeries around Australia will be decorated in pink and sell pink buns…
Happy Mother's Day!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all my lovely pink sisters. Like many others this is probably the first since diagnosis. It is mine. I hope you all have a wonderful time with family and friends and treasure every moment. Life is so precious! Always in my thoughts, Love Alison xxxx
in my face again
Hi all well it's been a while since i wrote a blog, firstly to everyone that has been asking about Daryl he is still on the mend is still having hassles with missing heart beats,so his cardiologist will review his medication and see if that helps.so fingers crossed it has been worrying him and he isnt 100% yet. plus i…
Just an update ... :)
Its been quite a while since I have posted anything, (what can I say... I have been slack), but in that time I have had upteen doctors visits, another small amount of surgery and a nipple reconstruction. Tomorrow I am getting the final touches on my reconstructed breast... I am getting the areola tattooed. I am so looking…
Hello and Welcome
Hello lovely ladies, I am slowly getting thru. my newest hobby of knitting squares for our warm cosy blankets we use at meditation. If I can do it - anyone can. See you Monday at 11am Cheers, Maria
Finally I am straight again
Hi all my pink sisters, I thought I needed a change from the "old lady" perm - had to keep telling young people that it definately was not a perm!!!! Anyway went back to my longterm hairdresser and boy what a change. I had permanent straightening (yes not too many chemicals), colouring and foils and some shaping into a…
organising seroma
Hi all Has anyone else had an "organising seroma" I have been diagnosed with one and it is very large and sore. Back to GP tomorrow to find out what they are proposing as treatment, draining it, or going back into to surgery. Neither of which is appealing to me but I would lke to get rid of it. Any advice experience of an…
Secondary Breast Cancer
I have just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and then 2 weeks following my mascetomy and removal of lymph nodes I have been told the cancer has spread to my lungs and liver. I see the oncologist tomorrow and am hoping that there is some light at the end of this very bad luck tunnel! Anyone had a similar…
My Journey so far
On new years eve, I had a small get together with friends from interstate. My girlfriend was telling me that she had a mammogram (which came back all clear). 2 days later I was sitting in my lounge room reflecting on our fun New Years Eve, remembering Belinda telling me about her mammogram, and realised I hadn't checked my…
It's a tough gig....
So things have been a little quiet for me as far as blogging goes. The past few weeks have been very challenging to say the least. I think the enormity of my situation overwhelmed me, and depression set in! Luckily an appointment with a doctor through a palliative care unit turned things around for me and made me see how…