Hi! :)
Hiya Tonya, you're first to join (go you!), so any ideas on what we should put in our "about the group" text? Just so you know, I've made the group posts private for now just so we don't annoy the rest of the network with any initial chatter about what we might do. Anyone can still join, though -- they just won't see posts…
New to this
Hi Ladies Am new to this have been reading your posts for a couple of weeks waiting for my results. Have had a lumpectomy and sentinel node bio. Was told today that I will need a mastectomy an more nodes taken. Feelin pretty scared at the moment and not knowing where it is all going. I have a great husband and two lovely…
My first post
Diagnosed late last year, masectomy and all 30 lymph nodes removed in mid Jan this year. Tomorrow is my last (6th) chemo - HURRAH! It's been a roller coaster of a ride, but the support staff, surgeon, chemo Prof & radiology Prof have been exceptional - as has my wonderful husband. I am over being bald and the fluid…
Time for a new treatment
Hi everyone Some of you know I was expecting results yesterday. Unfortunately they were not good. I guess we knew it would eventually happen but you always have that little glimmer of maybe it's all gone. I feel no different. So I have progression in my lungs. More spots and existing spots bigger. They don't tell me how…
back to work i go
hi all hope everyone is well. today was my first day back at work after having 4mths off. strange isnt it i did most of my shifts when i was having treatment but got thyroid disease a infected tooth and a frozen shoulder some months after treatment ceased,.now im feeling well and have started excercising again. the past…
Deployed and Postings
Three years since diagnosis, husband deployed for the second time and now facing possibility of a new posting. Should I consider relevant medical facilities? I have been so well looked after in Canberra I am nervous about moving. What are the medical facilities for BC like around the country especially check ups? Still…
Ongoing Saga...
Since I last wrote here, I was taken to Bairnsdale Hospital and admitted 27/5. My temp was 39.9, i ached to the point of almost passing out, my kidneys felt like they were on fire. As i write this, i am still in hospital, ( 1st June) and dont see my way out until maybe 6th june. I came down with ALL the side effects off…
Mums, Mums, Mums...
It still amazes me the strength women have! OK, im puttng my self on that quote above. Its been just over 2years since my marriage ended leaving me to be responsible for our 2 girls, 8 and 2 at the time. For about 3 months after our seperation i was constantly calling/msg him to arrange times to see the girls,never did he…
Hi Ladies
Just wanted to say "hello" and take this opportunity to review how the group is going, and if anyone has any comments, suggestions for improvement, compliments etc. We have been up and running for a little while now, and thought as numbers can be low at times for lunch and coffee, whether any one has any comments or…
Its been a while......
Wednesday 23 May 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry it's been a while! Had a bit going on! You know, breast cancer, chemo?! Lol! Seriously this chemo thing really messed with me huge time! I am just beginning to feel better again! It has really been, a week and a half of shit! I felt…
"Breast Cancer, taking control" by professor John boyages
I highly recommend this book to everyone touched by breast cancer. Even as a health professional I found it so helpful and informative and empowering! Not only for us who have been diagnosed but for those around us to help them understand. Dan xx
Sick girl
Hey girls, Shirl is not well and been through a helluva lot lately. Pity we are all so far away but we sent her our love and best wishes, don't we? The good thing is that Shirl is home from hospital and it wasn't cancer related but she will be a little incapacitated for a few months.. she will find that very frustrating!…
So today............
Thursday 19 April 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------- So today I had my oncologist appointment to get all the dets of the next phase of my cancer.....CHEMO! So It starts in about 2-3 weeks and goes for 6 months! FARK! As Nick said, "You'll be away for Winter and back for Spring!" LOL. My…
The cost of happiness!
Hello, I met with a plastic & reconstructive surgeon yesterday to discuss my options for recon after having a mastectomy 3 years ago. It looks like I am a great candidate for a “Tram Flap” and a reduction on the other side. Really excited with the choice until we started to talk about the out of pocket dollars!! Surgery…
Lessons learned
Hi my dear friends, Haven't posted lately, but had second chemo yesterday and so far so good - week 2 (of 18) ticked off - with just minor tummy effects and dexamethasone insomnia for a couple of days. I wanted to share a story of courage with you. In the lift at my oncologist's building, a young woman got in with her…