Becoming normal

Hi all,
Last time I was here was when I just had the lumpectomy Since then a lot has happened. 35 days of radiation later I had 4 rounds of chemo. Just after chemo finished I had one month to get everything together and move countries. I had been offered a nice position in Germany.
Yes I had managed all that but now settling and starting again and things beginning to quiet down. So I decided to post and say it is possible to go back to a semi normal life. Hair is back and growing into a nice pixie cut... To think I used to hate short hair...
I have a question about the site of lumpectomy. I seems to have some pain and my new doctor tells me it is normal given that there is a relatively large lump removed. How do you deal with the nagging pain.
Just realised that it has been full one year since I went to the doctors with a small lump.. Wow my life has changed so much.
My site pain is due to nerve damage and this could possibly be yours as well. I have had quite severe pain since my first lumpectomy back in 2006. Sometimes the nerves join back again happily but like mine they did not. After my second diagnosis in 2010 and more surgery, the pain has worsened. I originally had lots of arm pain as well. To the present - I am now taking Lyrica (epileptic drug which does something in the brain) to elevate the pain. Sometimes I think "Gee this is working" and then other times I think it isn't. It is an expensive drug costing me about $110-$122 every 56 days. It also makes me a bit tired - but I can push through this and it doesn't stop me. The nerve damage pain and the sore heavy arm do not have any "rhym or reason". Too much exercise or not enough. It is really trial and error. Good luck with your new job - you really are one hell of a "trouper". XLeonie
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I live close to Hamburg. Thank you for the best wishes.
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Hi Leonie
Hmm I should ask more questions from my doctor here in Germany. I am not sure what helps sometimes if I go to the gym and work out hard it helps sometimes it gets worse. I am hoping I can control it without resorting to anything but will see what the doctors say next time I see her.
Ouch the Lyrica sounds expensive but if it takes such thing to feel better then be it .
What can I say I accepted the job in Germany a month before I got diagnosed. I discovered the lump a day after I had a meeting with my future bosses. They both had been wonderful with accommodating delaying my start date to finish the chemo and give me time to recover. I think I was very lucky with relatively event free chemo and support from friends and family. I have been so grateful to my little brother for coming up and helping me pack and deal with all the little things while I moved from Japan straight to Germany. I don't think I could have managed without his help.
I decided to try and make leamonade with my situtation. I think the gravity it all is beginning to hit me an year after the diagnosis. Trying to keep a stiff upper lip is not as easy as it sounds at times.
Thank you for valuable infor.
Good luck
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WOW Chamimi, you have really had a busy year!
I am 8 months past my lumpectomy and my breast still hurts too. I think it's just nerve pain...
Jenn0 -
Thank you. Makes me feel a little better knowing it is normal and not something out of ordinary. I have been worried since I have changed doctors due to the move and having trouble getting everything from Japan for the continuation of care information. Thank you for put my mind at ease. Yeah this time next month it would be 1 year from the lumpectomy . Year has flown
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Thank you LeeS
I don't know smooth or just shear need to get it done but been a tough year with the coming weekend an year from the diagnosis. Now I have settled (well a little) I have time to contemplate and think. I don't think I want to do it again under the same circumstances
Thank you again