the weird & wacky

Was just reading lanilumps71 latest post, and alternately laughing and fuming about some of the more ridiculous recommendations supposedly well-meaning people have offered about how to deal with cancer.
My personal favourites are (1) being told about a yoga devotee who (supposedly) meditated her tumour away -- the rationale (if you can call it that) was that her body had created it so her body could eliminate it. (I love yoga and I think there are good reasons to meditate, but, honestly, what crap!) What irks me is the implication that really well-adjusted or healthy people can somehow control and direct and cure cancer for themselves. Meaning those of us who've resorted to chemo and surgery and radiation are just sillies. Pffft.
My other favourite is that somehow it's our THINKING that causes cancer -- for example someone told me that breast cancer in the left breast occurs because you don't love people enough (or too much, or something) and that bc in the right breast occurs for some other random deficiency in the way you think. Why is it so often implied that what we think or feel has anything to do with our diagnoses? It really shits me when people imply that I'm doing well *because* I'm "so positive"... ugh. I know "being positive" can make it easier (for some people) to cope with what's happening but it doesn't make any difference to the progression (or cure) of the disease, and I wish people would stop acting as though it did. Some of us get through this, and some of us don't. The line is *not* drawn on the basis of who wants it more, or who is more positive!
There. I feel better for getting that out. Anybody else want to share their favourites?
Cancer doesn't discriminate and those wacky/healthy ones would be the first to run to a conventional doctor if it struck them.I think it's very easy to be positive when you feel good but when you feel physically dreadful then it's hard to be upbeat -you basically want to wallow in it till you improve abit. I'm starting to wonder what"positive"means - it's tossed around alot in the "cancer world". When I broke my ankle(2007) and had surgery on it,my pompous orthopedic surgeon told me I was not being positve and that's why I was still on crutches and in pain after 5mths. An x ray then showed that he had made a mistake and put in the wrong screws! That experience really taught me to listen to my body,have self belief and to run from any doctor that implies to me "it's all in your mind"!!
Heather,you look very happy on the beach in your pic- hope you are keeping well and having some well deserved fun.
Tonya xx
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Arghh, I feel exactly the same.
How the hell does anyone have the cheek to tell people they know why the got the "Cancer".
It's like someone saying they are praying for you to get better, does that mean if you don't pray for the other person with it they will die.
For goodness sake this is the time when we really realise we are just animals and the body breaks down whenever it damn well wants to and it will do it to you even if you are yoga practising, non smoking, a medical practioner, non alcolhol drinking, childless virgin, nun or someone who has close contact with a buddhist monk!
It is what it is.
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Well said everyone, I do get really sick of all the hype at times about staying positive and keeping up beat, christ arnt people allowed a little wallow in self pity these days, and just because you have a couple of down days doesnt mean you need to go straight to the pyschologist either,we can all only do the best we can do day by day, I have now found myself with not a friend I can turn to, with my best friend passing away some 18 months ago now, and the few I had left disappearing after my diagnosis,somedays it is bloody hard with no one to talk to but that is why I have all of you to help cheers everyone, oh and one of my favourite is the lemon juice one if only hey
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when I was in hospital the girl in my room who was having liposuction on her stomach wanted the curtains drawn around her so she wouldnt have to see me she told the nurse I dont want to see that lady In case she is contagious. heard her whisper to visitors Oh god i WISH THEY WOULD TAKE THAT LADY AWAY I needless to say I said good morning to her everyday and drew open her curtains to do it. she asked for a private room but they didnt give it to her, on my last day she told me to go home and dont think about it . ha fat chance hey.
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when I was in hospital the girl in my room who was having liposuction on her stomach wanted the curtains drawn around her so she wouldnt have to see me she told the nurse I dont want to see that lady In case she is contagious. heard her whisper to visitors Oh god i WISH THEY WOULD TAKE THAT LADY AWAY I needless to say I said good morning to her everyday and drew open her curtains to do it. she asked for a private room but they didnt give it to her, on my last day she told me to go home and dont think about it . ha fat chance hey.
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thanks for posting everyone -- glad I'm not the only one with steam coming out of my ears about stuff like this. I like your comment FD, shame she couldn't catch a brain/heart! Telling Adean to go home and not think about it!!! tthat's the kind of comment that would keep me awake at night thinking up a good response. Sometimes I feel like I should start a Cranky Bitch cancer blog. Or a Cancer Taught Me ... F***all goup.
Go well, girls.
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You couldn't call it Cranky Bitch, you are too funny :0)
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You couldn't call it Cranky Bitch, you are too funny :0)
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Pfft, that is one biatch I would like to see when I'm at my worst!