News you might have missed

Hi all,
There's been quite a few news items, and coming events posted on the BCNA website recently that will be of interest to many of you, so I thought I'd gather together the links in case you missed them:
Strength to Strength: BCNA's National Conference
Registration is now open for our two-day national conference for women with breast cancer, which will be held in Sydney in October. Some funding assistance is available to rural and remote women, so have a look at the program and registration information. Everyone is welcome:
Pink Footy & Netball Day
Registrations are now open for clubs that want to join in the fun over Mothers Day in May. Any team can join in:
Beacon and Inside Story
Issue 58 of the Beacon, and Issue 24 of The Inside Story (theme is 'the new you') are now available for download if you don't receive a hard copy.
News items:
- Generic aromatase inhibitors now available
- BCNA submission supports MRI rebates for young women with breast cancer