HER2+ 10 months on

I've just joined the network and have enjoyed reading different posts - it's reassuring knowing my feelings and worries are shared amongst others.
I've finished the 'worst' of my treatment since being diagnosed almost 10 months ago.
As I was HER2+ only, the more I read about this diagnosis the more scared I become, even with Herceptin. My two young daugthers must have picked up on my concern as they have become a little more clingy lately.
If only I could tell them, don't worry, mum will be around for a long long time!
Hello PinkMum
Welcome, I'm fairly new to this site too joined maybe 6 weeks or so ago. I also gained so much from reading other blogs that I decided to join. A big step for me because I don't even do facebook. But what I can say for sure is I couldn't have survived the last 6 weeks without it. I have learnt so much, it has become not only my place to vent and chat but also a huge source of information and also counselling.
Congratulations on finishing the worst part of your treatment, hopes and prayers for a smoother road ahead.
Lara xx
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Hi PinkMum and welcome.
If you didn't already find it, I thought I'd let you know that there is a Her2+ group in the network that you can join if you're interested: http://www.bcna.org.au/group/3838.
So glad you're finding the online network helpful -- feel free to jump in with a comment or post any time.
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I am also Her2+ (and I am also ER+, but PR-), my oncologist said that before Herceptin those of us who are Her2+ had poor outcomes, but with Herceptin we have as good, or in fact slightly better outcomes that those who are Her2-, because the Herceptin effectively turns the Her2 gene off.
I KNOW it is scary (I mean - the whole bloody word CANCER is scary and scares the sh1t out of most of the population, with it or without it, and then finding out that you have it is scary, having to have surgery and treatment is scary (we always hear the HORROR stories of treatment - like chemo and radio, never the stories of the people who breeze through it), the side effects they tell us about are scary, this whole bloody journey is scary, but we can and do deal with it and it makes us stronger. i think If I can get through this then I am never goig to be scared by silly things like bumps in the night etc
I KNOW it is hard, but you are not alone, there are many of us here who are HER2+.
You are further along in your treatment that me (I have had 4 of my 6 chemo's, and then have the rest of the Hercepti after that as well as 5 yrs of tamoxifen etc.
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I am also Her2+ (and I am also ER+, but PR-), my oncologist said that before Herceptin those of us who are Her2+ had poor outcomes, but with Herceptin we have as good, or in fact slightly better outcomes that those who are Her2-, because the Herceptin effectively turns the Her2 gene off.
I KNOW it is scary (I mean - the whole bloody word CANCER is scary and scares the sh1t out of most of the population, with it or without it, and then finding out that you have it is scary, having to have surgery and treatment is scary (we always hear the HORROR stories of treatment - like chemo and radio, never the stories of the people who breeze through it), the side effects they tell us about are scary, this whole bloody journey is scary, but we can and do deal with it and it makes us stronger. i think If I can get through this then I am never goig to be scared by silly things like bumps in the night etc
I KNOW it is hard, but you are not alone, there are many of us here who are HER2+.
You are further along in your treatment that me (I have had 4 of my 6 chemo's, and then have the rest of the Hercepti after that as well as 5 yrs of tamoxifen etc.
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I too am Her2+ and worried excessively for months after my diagnosis. I have had 6 out of 18 infusions with Herceptin and have now decided to just stop worrying. I t is very hard to do but my reasoning is that I feel well, apart from lots of Taxotere induced leg pain, and that I am blessed with so many good things in my life that I am determined to enjoy my life "just for today". My oncologist also told me that my chances of recurrence after this phase of my treatment are just the same as if I had not had cancer in the first place (1 in 10). I think I can't do much better than that.
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Hello Pink Mum
I also have the HER2+ and whilst I have only had the first of my 4 AC chemo sessions to date, after chemo is complete I have weekly Herceptin with Paclitaxel for another 3 months. Speaking to my sisters in the UK we are lucky here in Oz because Herceptin has only fairly recently been used there and it has so much up side as mentioned by BMC. Without the treatment regime, my oncologist said the chances of recurrence were as high as 50-60% but after treatment drops to 20% or less. It is hard - the fear of the unknown but I suppose take heart from all the women who have gone through this before us and - even better - came out the other side.
By the way has anyone any experience of Paclitaxel? Is this the tamox people mention?
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Hello Pink Mum
I also have the HER2+ and whilst I have only had the first of my 4 AC chemo sessions to date, after chemo is complete I have weekly Herceptin with Paclitaxel for another 3 months. Speaking to my sisters in the UK we are lucky here in Oz because Herceptin has only fairly recently been used there and it has so much up side as mentioned by BMC. Without the treatment regime, my oncologist said the chances of recurrence were as high as 50-60% but after treatment drops to 20% or less. It is hard - the fear of the unknown but I suppose take heart from all the women who have gone through this before us and - even better - came out the other side.
By the way has anyone any experience of Paclitaxel? Is this the tamox people mention?
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Hello Pink Mum
I also have the HER2+ and whilst I have only had the first of my 4 AC chemo sessions to date, after chemo is complete I have weekly Herceptin with Paclitaxel for another 3 months. Speaking to my sisters in the UK we are lucky here in Oz because Herceptin has only fairly recently been used there and it has so much up side as mentioned by BMC. Without the treatment regime, my oncologist said the chances of recurrence were as high as 50-60% but after treatment drops to 20% or less. It is hard - the fear of the unknown but I suppose take heart from all the women who have gone through this before us and - even better - came out the other side.
By the way has anyone any experience of Paclitaxel? Is this the tamox people mention?