What a buger

Hi Everyone,
It's Adean thank you to the Beautiful ladies who aknowledged me today boy did that start the floodgate of tears.The breast nurse rang and asked me to measure my boobs all 41 great inches of them and could only find a steel builders tape I cracked up laughing as the bra could be interesting.
My 23 year old daughter is taking me for my scans tommorow as she wants to do something , the poor kid went the same night I was diagnosed and had her breasts examined. but why they thought buying me a new dog to add to the other 4 is beyond me I cracked it and sent it away, what is in their brains.
Having my scans tommorow and having surgery on Friday which is the 13th - lucky number for me I hope. I am very fortunate to have it all dealt with so quickly thanks to my Beautiful surgeon.
Hi Adean,
It is great to hear you have received some support from the online network and by the sounds of it from all your family and friends as well.
Not that you will need it but sending good luck for your surgery on Friday!
- Daina
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I went to Myers to get measured to find out what my bra size was becaseu I had NO idea and my Breast Nurse wanted to know to order my Berlei My care Kit from BCNA.
Friday the 13th will be a GREAT and LUCKY day for you as you have your surgery.
Good lUck - not that you will need it.