My Knitted Animals

A Mermaid I knitted for my Niece (I have since also knitted another one for my husbands cousins child (who we call a niece becasue it is easier).
A Camel I knitted
A Doll I knitted
This is a Doll I knitted when my Niece was born (the one who also has the mermaid above)
This is a Horse I knitted
And a Tedy too (the picture does not do him justice)
A rabbit I knitted complete with carrot and little furry tail (which you can't see)
I have others which I don't have pictures for yet, such as a seal (I made the pattern for him as well), and a pink flamingo (also made the pattern for him), a clown, a cat, and some others (too I think).
These are all made using a VERY simple method mostl from a book called knit a square make a toy. They are made entirely from knitted squares and rectangles in plain stich only), and you get the shapes form how you put them together.
Oh my goodness, how cute are they?! I think I'd be quite happy to cuddle that horse, myself!
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Hi Shaz
Very cute, well done. I got my knitting out the other day as haven't even looked at it for years (no time, too busy ha ha) I have time now.
I was so happy I could remember how to cast on and how to knit a plain stitch. Unfortunately I haven't picked it up again since the other day as not been well but I am sure I will. Do you find it relaxing for you?
Do you keep them or give them all away to nieces and family?
Well done
Mich xo
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Hi Shaz
Very cute, well done. I got my knitting out the other day as haven't even looked at it for years (no time, too busy ha ha) I have time now.
I was so happy I could remember how to cast on and how to knit a plain stitch. Unfortunately I haven't picked it up again since the other day as not been well but I am sure I will. Do you find it relaxing for you?
Do you keep them or give them all away to nieces and family?
Well done
Mich xo
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I haven't knitted since I began chemo either.
I keep them or give them away. Ienter them in the Canbera show each year, and have won a few 1sts and twice now have won best in my category (the horse got a 1st, champion and best overall, and my flamingo (which i don't have a photo of yet) won best in show etc in 2011. I have a number of other 1st's and 2nd's for them too (in fact i think they have nearly all won something).
I do often find it relaxing, but with my chemo brain etc I can't cope with it at present.
I just enjoy making them sometimes.
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Shaz -- we need to put them in the Creative Corner flickr account. What do you think? Do you know how to do that, or would you like me to do it for you?
SO cute!
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I have NO IDEA how to do it, can you PLEASE do it for me Di. ?
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Done! You can see them in the account, here:
I still have to work out how to embed them, though.
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Yes, leave them as they are (don't delete them). I haven't worked out how to get the flickr ones to work yet. Will let you know...