
I'm planning a trip to America later this year & while I'm away my monthly triptorelin injection will be due. My nurse at the hospital says she can give me the drug and needle to take and a letter for customs and I just need to find a doctor or nurse to give me the injection.
My sister in America has been checking with her GP and it all seems a bit difficult due to me not having insurance and since the drug is part of a trial they're unsure if it would be FDA approved.
Has anyone had any experience with this situation?
As a side note, does being a cancer survivor affect getting travel insurance?
Yes being a cancer survicir can effect some travel insurance, depend on treatments, if you have finished treatment, when last treatment was etc & some will give you insurance but exclude anything to do with your cancer as a pre-existing condition.
Astotravelling with meds, it can be done. I went to the US wioth needles, syringes, and IM meds. AS long as it was in the original packaging, with label, and i had a letter it was fine. Your best bet is to rink the US consualte and ask them. As to finding someone in the US to give it to you, that can be difficult and expensive. Can you or someone you are travelling with be taught to give it to you? My hubby and I got trained in case I needed one. (Mine was not related to cancer but to severe intractable migraines).
I have also travelled with morphine tablets to Thailand (a scarey one, did not want an extended holiday in the Bangkok Hilton <EEKK>) I contacted the Thai embassy and asked what they needed for me to bring them in the country. Did that (again - not more than I would need for my stay, in original boxes, with original prescription labels, a notorised photocopy of the original prescription (by the pharmacist), a letter from my doctor etc).
That is my experience with Meds and the US, and also with travel insurance (again mine wasn't to do with cancer back then, but another pre-existing condition).
Hope it helps. ?
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Thanks Shazinoz.
I went to the travel agent this afternoon and my breast cancer doesn't effect the travel insurance as it has been long enough since treatment.
With the meds, they will be all packaged up and I can get a letter to explain them. I have just looked up the website of the US Consulate it looks helpful.
My nurse said that a doctor or nurse has to give me the injection and sign a form to say they've done it. I think this is for the rules of the clinical trial. Maybe the US Consulate could give me some advice about who could do it too.
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How have you been going with the Triptorelin?
I was on the trial as well until about a month ago as my GP and I decided I was getting way too many side effects with my muscles and tendons. I will keep taking the Tamoxifen for the five years just not the Triptorelin. I have been on it for 2.5 years.
Just wondering if you or anyone else who is on it have had any issues with it?
Would love to hear from someone
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How have you been going with the Triptorelin?
I was on the trial as well until about a month ago as my GP and I decided I was getting way too many side effects with my muscles and tendons. I will keep taking the Tamoxifen for the five years just not the Triptorelin. I have been on it for 2.5 years.
Just wondering if you or anyone else who is on it have had any issues with it?
Would love to hear from someone
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Hi Blissy
I am going ok with the triptorelin. Were you getting sore muscles? I remember you had plantar fasciitis - do they think that was caused by the triptorelin?
I get hot flushes but that is the only side effect I am aware of. Sometimes when I have an unexplained ache I wonder if it is a side effect but they probably aren't.
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I have been dealing with extremely painful muscles and tendons in my legs, arms and upper shoulders and into the base of my skull. My GP's, Physio and the Surgery Clinical RN are certain it is the Triptorelin and my Oncologist said because I am undergoing treatment for Breast Cancer we have to assume it is the treatment. My GP 's advised me to stop taking it as my side effects were getting to be too many aand too severe. The Chemist where I was getting the Triptorelin from told me that it does really weird things to the guys as well. Great to hear you are getting on well with it.