Life after treatment.
Hi everyone, Just 3 months ago I had finished 6 rounds of FEC and D and was about to start 5 weeks of radiation. I had a weekend away with my hubby to celebrate the end of chemo. We stayed in a lovely retreat which had a 250m boardwalk to get to our cabin. Despite trying to walk as much as possible during chemo I was very…
One Year Today
20th December, 2012. One year ago I heard those words and I was plunged into a nightmare I know you all can relate to. I remember it so very well and I think it will be burned in my memory for all of time. "You have cancer". Well guess what. I DON'T HAVE CANCER!!!! In spite of my mini melt down yesterday and my cold, I…
New here
I have just had a bilateral mastectomy last week and post surgery results with surgeon yesterday. The surgeon said a lot but I only heard 2 tumours, 70mm lcis and 15mm ductal. I am feel anxious and would like to hear positive stories out there. C
Nervous and feeling vulnerable.
Well ladies. I am getting quite nervous about my coming double mastectomy due 10th Sept. Today I went in for my pre-admission appointment at St Vincent's and it has hit home that the loss of my breasts is really going to happen and not some bad dream. Eight vials of blood were taken, three are going back to Peter Mac for…
Sleep has returned.
Good evening Lovelies, Today has been a huge success. Only woke twice last night, went to loo and straight back to sleep once back in bed. Woke at 6.30am feeling rested and extremely positive whilst opening my eyes. Made a choice to remain as positive and happy as possible for the whole day. This worked. I accomplished the…
Merry Xmas Everyone
To all the wonderful pink ladies out there, may you all enjoy yourselves today. Hope you are surrounded by family and friends. For those who are unable to be close to loved ones, big, big, hugs to you. Let's all bring on a much happier, healthier 2014. Love to all, Hazel xx
Recalled one physio stretch and slept.
Hooray!!! Did the yoga Nidra and slept for 1.5 hours restfully. Am delighted I remembered to stretch in the doorway. The most simple stretch that's eluded me for three days now. Dinner is calling me along with Laverne and Shirley. My attitude's improved to that of a three year old not a tantrum riddled two yr old. I am…
Mini Meltdown
I just wanted to tell you all a little story. I was out doing some much needed Christmas shopping today. Yes it's 40 degrees here in Melbourne today and I decide to shop. What an idiot!!!!! But I have been unwell and unmotivated to shop this last week because of this damn annoying cold. I think it's okay and then it seems…
Three years on...
It's been a while since I have been to this site. Had my three year diagnosis anniversary on the 10th December,2013. It was a busy day at work so the day just came and went. I had my private thougths about the day but didn't talk to anyone about it. I usually make a celebratory donation to the cancer council- haven't done…
Help... Psychiatrist needed for my husband who now has depression
anyone know of or seen a good psychiatrist my husband has depression because of all the worry now and wants to end our marriage please help x
Up, then down
Hi ladies, I don't know what happened. 3 days ago I posted that my hair was cut and I went out with my scarf, all was good. I was 'owning it'. Now it's 3.30am and I haven't been able to get to sleep. Looked in the mirror tonight and thought 'wow, i look like crap!' I was never a beauty, but now with barely any hair and…
going back to work
Hi I just wanted to find out what is the average time, for women who have had the experience not from doctors, for a woman to go back to work following: * a lumpectomy & sentinel node biopsy followed by another surgery a week later to take more tissue out. * when i start my chemo: can I work during the treatment period? *…
Mindfulness meditation
Came across this article which is an excellent introduction to mindfulness meditation. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/danny-penman-phd/mindfulness-meditation-reduce-pain_b_4356325.html I have an earlier book Danny Penman coauthored with Mark Williams called Mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic…
Emotional roller coaster
Just when you think you are about to get off this detour and return to normal life you realize that it's not all that straightforward. Physically I am getting there but I just realized that my emotions are still as raw as the skin on my chest after 25 zaps of radiation. This weekend I have a work Christmas function, an…
Unwanted but new journey
Hi everyone, I returned home yesterday after having a mastectomy and axilary dissection. My diagnosis was discovered on 5th November and since then it has been a roller coaster ride. I had my surgery at the Gold Coast Hospital - Robina Campus on 20th where I received amazing care and empathy. The breast nurse organized my…