Unwanted but new journey

Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
edited February 2014 in Health and wellbeing

Hi everyone,

I returned home yesterday after having a mastectomy and axilary dissection.  My diagnosis was discovered on 5th November and since then it has been a roller coaster ride.

I had my surgery at the Gold Coast Hospital - Robina Campus on 20th where I received amazing care and empathy.  The breast nurse organized my new bra and My Journey Kit and the Social Worker after sitting with me while I cried my heart out day two post surgery suggested I join this forum. 

Today although feeling sad am at least feeling positive and not out of control with anxiety.

I hope to make friends with others here who are going through this unfortunate health situation.

Best wishes,




  • AnnaB
    AnnaB Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015

    Of course I mean welcome to the ride you never wanted to be on.  I'm about 12 months ahead of you.  My bilateral mastectomy and right axillary node dissection happened November 2012.  I don't know what fun and games you have ahead but I want you to know that I'm still standing after 7 months of chemo and finally finished radiation October 2013.  You'll have lots of questions so just ask - I found this site very helpful.  Your head I'm sure is just spinning - take some deep breaths you're not alone.


  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Hi Deanne,

    Just hearing a little about your journey so far has already made me feel so much better. Thank you very much for your encouraging words.

    Best wishes





  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Chris for sharing your story with me.  It is encouraging to hear and makes me feel less anxious. 

    Best wishes


  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to our sisterhood Joy. Although we never want to really welcome anyone on this journey. I was diagnosed 5 days before Christmas and had a lumpectomy and 2 sentinel nodes removed, then 6 months of chemo, still on three weekly Herceptin infusions until next May, bilateral mastectomy and DIEP/TRAM reconstruction and 10 years of hormone treatment. It's been a bumpy road this year to say the least but I found this site and 'chatting' to all the wonderful Pink Sisters here really made a difference. I didn't feel alone anymore. It saved my sanity.

    So Joy I'm sure you will find many new friends here to hold your hand and to laugh and cry with you along the way.

    Love and hugs
    Janey xxx
  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Anna I really appreciate your encouragement.

    Best wishes


  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Janey.  I am glad I joined this network already.

    Best wishes


  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2015

    Glad to hear your anxiety is easing. I'm relatively new to this site, i had a lumpectomy mid october and have had one chemo treatment so far which is going ok.  My anxiety has taken some hits since diagnosis and i continually have to stomp it down, so to speak. The lovely ladies on this site have helped me tremendously. Just knowing you are not alone in this really helps calm you down.  Take care, Joy and stay positive:)

    Hazel xx

  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2015

    Glad to hear your anxiety is easing. I'm relatively new to this site, i had a lumpectomy mid october and have had one chemo treatment so far which is going ok.  My anxiety has taken some hits since diagnosis and i continually have to stomp it down, so to speak. The lovely ladies on this site have helped me tremendously. Just knowing you are not alone in this really helps calm you down.  Take care, Joy and stay positive:)

    Hazel xx

  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2015

    Glad to hear your anxiety is easing. I'm relatively new to this site, i had a lumpectomy mid october and have had one chemo treatment so far which is going ok.  My anxiety has taken some hits since diagnosis and i continually have to stomp it down, so to speak. The lovely ladies on this site have helped me tremendously. Just knowing you are not alone in this really helps calm you down.  Take care, Joy and stay positive:)

    Hazel xx

  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    You are right Hazel, it is already helping knowing that there are other women out their going through the same thing.  Thank you for your post which is very much appreciated.

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So sorry to hear about your bc diagnosis but welcome to this network. I've had every bc treatment there is -except reconstruction.I've been on the bc rollercoaster ride twice - first in 2003(lumpectomy,full node clearance, radiation) then again, in the same breast, in 2010(mastectomy,chemo).I'm on Tamoxifen and am now fine,enjoying life.I was very anxious with my first bc diagnosis- a very normal reaction for all of us here.But you gradually adjust and eventually feel more confident in your health as time passes. Living without a breast does throw out some challenges so ask any questions.You can also vent your fears and frustrations here without judgement.We know what you are going through.Sending hugs,Tonya xx

  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Tonya.  I am so glad I have been steered in the direction of this site.  I live with my husband and son and it is nice to talk to some females.  I feel a bit of a burden on them and am struggling with the stress it is causing to our family life.  I guess we will all adjust to what is going on.

    Hugs back to you Tonya.


  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Tonya.  I am so glad I have been steered in the direction of this site.  I live with my husband and son and it is nice to talk to some females.  I feel a bit of a burden on them and am struggling with the stress it is causing to our family life.  I guess we will all adjust to what is going on.

    Hugs back to you Tonya.


  • JeanineG
    JeanineG Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2015
    I see you've had lots of friendly responses already! I just wanted to welcome you as well and to reinforce the very strong message that this is a fantastic support system where you can express yourself without fear of judgement.

    We have all faced BC and the various treatments for it, so we all know how you are feeling. You are among friends so when you're feeling down, anxious or unsettled, this is the place to visit.

    Feeling like you're not alone is the first step towards acceptance.

    Sending hugs
    Xxx Jeanine
  • Bearteggie
    Bearteggie Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Jeanine for your encouraging words.  I am having an emotional day today.  Just trying to co-ordinate doctor's visits with my husbands availability has gotten to me today.  My husband is very supportive but like everyone else he has to work and rearrange his schedule too.  Communication via text is also not a good idea.  I can't believe how exhausted I feel just by trying to organise something as simple as this.  The good news is I work at the surgery where my doctor is and without knowing my situation our head nurse called me to ask if I would like her to do a home visit and check me out.  What a God send.

    I think this is going to be a wonderful site so thank you for making me feel so welcome.

    Best wishes
