Just Because I'm Crying
I've heard people complain that it's impossible for anyone to stay positive all the time and that all of the recent advice about happiness and positivity is, therefore, complete bullshoot. Well, yes and no. Yes, I agree that it's impossible for everyone to be happy all the time. No, that doesn't mean it's not worth making…
Wig Shopping
I start my chemo in about 3 weeks and thought I would go wig shopping soon :) I know the Cancer Council in WA has a hire service and was wondering if anyone has used this and what you think about hiring versus buying a wig? As we only need them for a relatively short period of time I think I will try to hire one if I can…
Sick again!
Well hello ladies, I last posted 11/2 after my 2nd last chemo (Docetaxol). Thought I would keep you updated with my proactive plan. Had the chemo on the Tuesday, came down off the steroids on the Thurs night, Friday comes and the aches and pains are there, with Panadol they are manageable, rash came but not itchy and…
Live Field in 2014!
Yay BCNA! Another wonderful live field is being planned-in May 2014. Ladies all over Australia, try to attend. The last one was such an inspiration! You cannot imagine the feeling you get when all is hushed and we are in the shape of our dearest Pink Lady, with our dearest ones to share this special, emotional time. An…
8 months passed the treatment
I read the wonderful messages about how different life is for people after battling the cancer experience, and I decided to put my thoughts down, because we are all different. I had a year away from life last year, from October the year before and was quite surprised how "normal" life still has been. I am still me, and my…
Found out on the 16th Jan BC I was about to join you all. Had a mastecomy of my left breast on the 11th Feb. Went ok quite sick after aenesthetic but only in hospital for 2 nights. Have been feeling ok but during the night quite severe pain around scars is this normal for around the 4th day? I know it is a minor question…
nervous and lonely
Hi ladies. I havent written much about myself in the past because I felt i'd be fine with all this cancer stuff and just tough it out. Can't do it anymore. I've recently been reading about some of you and while it's awful what you are going through, I finally don't feel so alone. Even though i'm married and have a…
Pink Sisters
I just wanted to jump on here and say how lucky I have been over the past few weeks to meet up with some amazing ladies from this group. I personally am not handling this journey very well and it is awesome to sit in the company of these strong positive women. I can't wait for our next catch up and Cas, Julie and Annie I…
The Disconnect
Hi Robyn and Deanne Thank you so much for responding to my post. It has really helped to reinforce what I need to do. I have seen a Psychologist in the past for other difficulties I was having, but haven't seen her for several years. I had thought about whether I needed to go back to see her, but I just felt it too hard to…
The last thing to go is your hearing
Recently when I was sick, I was too sick to get to the doctors. That would involve driving 20 odd minutes and I didn't have that ability. I had tried to sign my name at the bank and it took me 5 attempts before they accepted my signature even though they knew me well. (I was transferring money from Mum's account to pay for…
Still a little anxious
I have been getting up in the middle of the night last few nights worrying about next wednesday when I will start my chemo. Been rereading all your post for reassurances from my previous blog. Sometimes still anxious but I don't have any questions. Just wanted to write down how I feel then try to get some sleep again.
An idea;)
Ladies ,I had an idea! I was thinking,that on this wonderful network,every time someone needs advice,there is always someone to help.No matter what the problem.Most problems are around physical issues after surgery or during treatment,or problems with our emotions,our feelings.Many of us are getting into exercise to help…
Exercise physiologist
Today I had my one hour session with the exercise physiologist and I absolutely loved it!!!I was mainly interested in exercises for my bones/joints,and to ask if I am doing enough aerobic type exercise.Well I am,which is good,so I just have to add to it some resistance type stuff to start with.So for the lower…
Apathy and exhaustion
Hello Lovelies, Am blogging again to give you the good news. My oncologist halved my alphapress (kidney medication) yesterday as instead of being hypertensive, since having the cancer removed, I was hypotensive for the first time in my life. 87/65. I take Alphapress, Cartia, Lercan, Lipitor, Micardis, Natrilix,…
The color Run, melbourne
Hi Melbouene ladies I am looking if any lovely ladies interesting doing 5km walk in The ColorRun , Melbourne on March 2 nd Sunday at Albert park , it very popular color run / walk in 4 people + in group just let me know cheers Dianne