Craft workshops with thinkpink
Hi crafty ladies, Jess here. Just wanted to let you know that thinkpink are holding some creative workshops over the next month or two in Victoria. Jewellery Making on Tuesday 22nd July at the The Living Centre, more information visit: http://www.bcna.org.au/bcna/event/thinkpink-jewellery-making-vic And Art Therapy class…
Info that I have found surfing the net
anyone interested in herbs this lady is worth looking into. I watched a fair few youtube clips, she also has some radio interviews to be heard about breast cancer, she wrote a book on the subject of breast cancer and breast health. some good info to be found regardless if you do herbs or not…
anxiety medication
I had my 3rd TC June 11th. Apart from the usual range of side effects (I think I've had all, but not really badly). I feel I have coped well, been upbeat for those around me, and managed on my own for the most part. Hubby works, butcher, leaves home early. Now the yucky part! 2nd day after chemo I fell apart mentally. Had…
Weight gain
I have been on tamoxifen for one year now and I have noticed that my weight is slowly creeping up. I am now almost 3kg heavier than my ideal weight of 58kg. I eat healthy and i am reasonably active working full time with children. Has anyone else experienced this? And will it continue while being on this medication?. I…
In between appointments
Tuesday was the follow up appoinment from my second surgery and I got the all clear on the margins this time around!! Whoohooo! Really REALLY happy that I dont need another surgery. I am super happy with how much boob I have left and how well my surgeon reshaped it all and consider myself very lucky to have gotten away…
Swimming at last
Went for a swim today. First time nearly 8 months after bi lateral mastectomy and reconstruction. Radiation 12 years ago caused trouble with skin healing so lots of trying different options tried. Now only a bit of fat transfer to go. Used to swim regularly. Today I loved just rolling around in the water. Only managed 4…
Wig caps?
Hi ladies, need to buy a few wig caps, do only wig stores sell them? Was wondering if department stores have them. Or maybe online is best. Any advice would be appreciated, Hazel xx
Eating Cancer to Death
I’ve been asked to write something about nutrition from one of my regular readers. I’ve been reluctant to do so, firstly because I don’t consider myself to have any expertise in this area and secondly because it seems that writing about nutrition is a good way to get some people’s backs up. Still, the person making the…
Follow up Appointments
Hello Ladies, yesterday I had my 6 monthly appointment with my Breast Specialist, I am 18 months post surgery 12 months post chemo and honestly little to worry about. Well, I got myself so worked up, it just sort of crept up on me. I hadn't told anyone that my appointment was coming up as I felt I had to just deal with it…
So back on the chemo wagon today after my week off last week. Finally got to meet my oncologist, she seems very nice, apart from her cold hands! My bloods were good, when she examined my boob she couldn't feel the hitchhiker, but that is probably due to being a bit bruised after the biopsy last week. She asked me if I had…
Thought for today
Just feeling lucky to live in a country where I have access to fantastic health care.
alternatives to hormone therapy and radiation?
Hi all, I am new to BCNA and very new to breast cancer. I had a 15mm tumor removed last week and today have been advised by the doctor that 4 weeks of radiation followed by 5 years of hormone treatment is the 'treatment plan'. The cancer was stage 1 ~ grade 2, I am 43 years old. I am looking into alternatives to the…
ealry menopause and childless
hi I have been diagnosed with BC and due to begin chemo. I am 45 no kids so I will be no doubt in for early memnopause. I have wanted children but no luck due to bad relationships. I am hurt, angry, resentful and feel cheated. I visited a fertility specialist and my only hope is to use egg donor. I am currently single and…
It's not just about us
I am staying with my 19 year old daughter while I undergo some treatment for lymphedema this week. It has given us a chance to talk about the past year and how we both feel about it. Two things have emerged as having affected how she dealt with my diagnosis and how she is feeling now. While I was undergoing treatment I was…
Overwhelmed and alone
November 6th I sat in a doctors surgery and had a piece of paper sat down in front of me, "here read this, it's a little different than we expected" I could not understand any of it but my eyes went to the bold print MALIGNANT 5.5mm Phyllodes tumour, and everything since that day has blurred, rushed surgery, medication,…