Helpful thinking
There's so many unknowns when dealing with a bc diagnosis. Getting things into perspective takes a while. Nurturing yourself is so important. I discovered some inspiring quotes that really sustained me through the low and dark times. My favourites are in two books - "Hope Happens" (Catherines De Vyre) and " A Pocketful of…
Hi I have just finished my 4 sessions of AC (yay!) And am still feeling great. I start 12 sessions of taxol next week which is another unknown and slightly nerve wracking as I know exactly what to expect with AC and have felt perfectly normal throughout! Anyway, it is now too cold to use our pool at home to swim so I was…
Interesting info natural
When you think you've accomplished nothing
I still regularly have days when I get frustrated at myself for wasting a day, not accomplishing anything or being unproductive. I saw this on facebook and had a good laugh, thought I'd better share it as I know I'm too hard on myself and others probably are too :-) Sorry if I've let down those who were expecting an…
Yesterday The Strathpine Coffee and Chat Group did the 4.5k walk in the Mothers Day Classic in Brisbane. We had special t shirts printed with "Strathpine Sisters, Doing it Together" on the front so this was serious business. . We had a great time even though it was an emotional walk for all of us. One particularly heart…
Feeling physically normal
Now that the weather in Perth has cooled down, I have begun wearing the blonde wig I bought in February more and more of the time, in addition to the breast prosthesis I bought at the end of March. They are both comfortable, and I find that I really like the way I look and feel in these "health appliances." I look in the…
Much better today
Firstly all of you women are wonderful big hugs to you all ... I have been doing a lot of reading and loving "my journey" kit ... I sat down today with my husband and we listened to the cd and had a laugh and a cry together and a really good talk. I guess I was so focused on what was happening to me that I forgot to…
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've logged on. My world has been a whirl wind since my original diagnosis back in Dec 2011.. My kids are now 9 and not quite 3. Unfortunately my cancer is very aggressive and doesn't appear to EVER want to leave my body! I had a PET Scan last Thursday and I am now as they say…
What helps you when you are down or stressed
Hey Ladies, Just thought I would put it out there.........you know me. There seems to be quite a few posts lately stating how people are depressed, sad, lonely, upset, stressed and all the other feelings and emotions we have to deal with in our lives either from just general life or because of the dreaded breast cancer. I…
Free art therapy for cancer patients and carers.
For anyone who has cancer or is a carer living in the Hills area of Sydney,there are 2 art therapy groups about to start next week.They are organized by the Cancer Council and run by trained art therapists.Both groups will commence next Wednesday 30th April 11am to 130pm.If interested ,please ring cancer council,Sebastian…
Digging a Hole with my Brain
This is not unexpected. Just about everyone that finishes treatment has head noise that sounds something like this: “I want to celebrate but I don’t feel like it. I’m still recovering from treatment. There’s the sweats and metal mouth and the peripheral neuropathy thanks to the chemotherapy, there’s the scar and the…
Pink Sports Day - Registrations now open!
Hello everyone, This year has well and truly begun, and here at BCNA we’re preparing for a number of exciting events that will be happening over the next few months – one of which is our annual Pink Sports Day! 2014 marks the sixth Pink Sports Day event, which last year saw a whopping $435,000 raised by over 900…
A Perfect Raspberry and Mango Sorbet
Five days before the end of my second 3wk TCH chemo cycle, I was in Sydney finishing a very tiring 4day training. After everyone left, I went for a long walk to Coogee Beach and back up to Randwick, ultimately nearly 6km. As I struggled up Alison Rd at about 6pm, I realised I needed to reward myself for my efforts. So I…
Casting for a Cure
Hi everyone, does anyone have any experience with the "Casting for a Cure" program? It is popular in UK, USA and NZ and local fishing groups here in Tassie are keen to get on board. We have many waterways that are suitable and keen fly fishers who want to assist the ladies. It is good for lymphodema and I would like to…
It's wonderful feeling better
For so long after the 3 surgeries in 14 days, the chemo, the radiation and then all of the complications that arose as a result of those treatments, it was a long time of feeling unwell. Now I feel well. I still have rib pain and I understand that will remain with me now for the rest of my life. If that's the worst of it,…