A Perfect Raspberry and Mango Sorbet

Five days before the end of my second 3wk TCH chemo cycle, I was in Sydney finishing a very tiring 4day training. After everyone left, I went for a long walk to Coogee Beach and back up to Randwick, ultimately nearly 6km. As I struggled up Alison Rd at about 6pm, I realised I needed to reward myself for my efforts. So I found a restaurant called Isabella, and asked for their dessert listings. The best thing they mentioned was a Raspberry and Mango Sorbet, so I ordered that with decaf coffee. I am not sure if the walk helped, but my tastebuds were finally back working well, after two weeks of everything tasting bad.
Eating that beautiful Sorbet, a tangy, sweet, pure fruit delicacy with its glowing layers of crimson and orange, and sipping that aromatic coffee was a real peak experience that would never have reached the heights if it hadn't been preceded by those bad-taste days. Now at the end of week 1, I know it will get better, and look forward to all the peak food experiences ahead of me after Chemo is over. As you say Deana, there is a lot of joy ahead that I will enjoy a thousand times more because of this journey
It sounds so nice Jessica,and what better place than Coogee Beach.Our priorities change after BC,and I , for one,am grateful to be healthy again,AND enjoying things differently.Take care and have a well deserved sleep!!!! Cheers xoxRobyn0
I was (still am) like a little kid when I finished that last chemo and started to feel better. I'm sure I drove everyone mad with my constant raving over the simple things like tasting good food, not having sore eyes and a headache, the feel of grass on my still numb in spots feet, the gentle pressure of water against my body when I swam and floated etc etc. Having experienced those long weeks of feeling dreadful, normal life seems quite amazing in comparison! You notice and appreciate the most trivial things and are just so grateful to have the chance to feel good again. That is what is waiting at the end of that chemo tunnel! Take care and get some more of that sorbet when your taste buds return. :)Deanne xxx0