It's wonderful feeling better

For so long after the 3 surgeries in 14 days, the chemo, the radiation and then all of the complications that arose as a result of those treatments, it was a long time of feeling unwell.
Now I feel well. I still have rib pain and I understand that will remain with me now for the rest of my life.
If that's the worst of it, then it is not a big deal.
My brain is getting less foggy on a daily basis.
I get told by so many people how good I look.
I'm happy.
It's wonderful feeling better!
Wonderful news
Enjoy every minute of it!
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It's wonderful to be reminded how much better things are than 18 months ago when the whole 'journey' started for me. Like you I have some rib and muscle pain post chest wall radiation. Also some cording which is uncomfortable but in the big picture it's a whole lot better than it was.
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It's wonderful to be reminded how much better things are than 18 months ago when the whole 'journey' started for me. Like you I have some rib and muscle pain post chest wall radiation. Also some cording which is uncomfortable but in the big picture it's a whole lot better than it was.