Much better today

I am amazed too at how I have reacted in terms of my reaction to the change in my breast following my wide local excision biopsy... I did not realise how attached I was or how the look of them impacted how I felt or how I dressed. My husband tells me there is no noticeable difference in clothes but I can see it!!!
I love this site and being able to share my feelings and getting such great support xxx
So glad to hear you have had chance to really talk and listen with your husband, and having a better day today. Even though this roller coaster ride started for me almost 6 weeks ago, I still find it hard to find the balance between 'this is about me' and 'cancer affects everyone in the family'.
I understand the difficulties in getting used to the new look me - suddenly my eyes seem to notice every little difference between my left side and my right side especially when I am wearing my new bra and light form - I look down and can see the concaveness of the left side of my chest and find it hard to accept that my clothes are hanging ok.
I best be off to sleep soon as I am doing the Mothers Day Classic with my family tomorrow morning - hope I can make the 4k's - the fatigue is getting me and I haven't even started chemo yet!
Cheers for now MLE59