Pink Sports Day - Registrations now open!

Hello everyone,
This year has well and truly begun, and here at BCNA we’re preparing for a number of exciting events that will be happening over the next few months – one of which is our annual Pink Sports Day!
2014 marks the sixth Pink Sports Day event, which last year saw a whopping $435,000 raised by over 900 participating clubs.
The event will once again be held over Mother’s Day weekend (10-11 May 2014), offering sporting clubs, leagues and associations from all states in Australia the opportunity to come together and support those in their community affected by breast cancer.
Funds raised through Pink Sports Day will go directly to BCNA, ensuring Australians affected by breast cancer are provided with the very best information, services and support possible.
Registration is free but essential if you wish to participate, and for those of you who are more comfortable on the sideline there are plenty of other ways to get involved – it’s as easy as gearing up in pink and cheering for your team!
- If you’re interested in participating simply visit the Pink Sports Day website for more information.
Go Pink Sports Day 2014!
Claudia xx