Docetaxol was hell but now it's over I'm miserable
So, Docetaxol turned out to be almost as bad as AC. I actually found myself in a back spasm that lasted for an entire night. The pain was unbearable. Bone and joint pain is one thing but the lower back pain that came with the spasm was just beyond the pale. My neuropathy also got worse so after seeing the Doc on Tuesday, I…
I need a physio
Hi everyone It's been over 4 years since I went through breast cancer treatment and I am happy and grateful to be able to say that I am fit and healthy and loving life. This request is for a friend who recently underwent radation for a lump foud in her neck. It has affected the movement in her arm and she would like to…
Putting my face on
Hi Ladies, 3 months since chemo and 2 months since radiation and I am still gradually getting stronger. I have been on Anastrozole for 4 weeks and no drastic side effects up to this point. My confusion and moodiness have eased somewhat. My hair is growing which is good, 2 shades of grey and sticking up everywhere. My…
Pregnancy at 40 after Breast Cancer
Hi All I have recently turned 40 and considering a baby. I am 4.5 yrs post Chemo and currently on Tamoxifen for another few months. I had irregular periods for about a a year which stopped last August! Has anyone been able to have a baby post all this? Are there fertility treatments to assist?
post chemo experiences..
Hi I was just wondering how other people have felt or what their experiences were...I have just finished 6 months of chemo and was hit the same week with the flu ( but feel those symptoms now resolved), now 2 weeks post cytotoxic chemo and 1 week post 3rd weekly herceptin infusion but I just continue feeling really achy,…
healthy eating
hi all my cancer is fueled by estrogen and progesterone,, i was wandering if any one has the same and if you follow a diet that dosnt fuel ur cancer,, i kow that i cant eat mushrooms and should stay away from dairy,,, so now im drinking Almond milk please can anyone help or set me in the right directrion??????????
Hiya pink ladies!. Looking for (more) advice..this time it's all about the Wig! My chemo is kicking off next Thursday 26/6. The Oncologist gave me a brochure for wigs on wheels which look great however I am amazed at the variety and significantly lower cost if purchased online, from the USA. Medibank have confirmed they…
Avoiding Recurrence - emotions
Hello ladies! I am writing because I was diagnosed and had a cancerous lump removed from my breast last year and have been on a big journey since - as you would know well. I have become a coach and my desire is to work with women who have experienced breast cancer and are now ready to release the old story, to transform…
Super sensitive!
What is going on with my mood? I feel like a crazy, miserable cow.... Can we blame others for our meltdowns or is it all about our own choice on how we deal with things? So, over the past 6 months......first, cancer diagnosis, 2 days later my beautiful Mum passed away! Had Mums funeral & my mastectomy in the same week.…
1 year on
Hi ladies , Today marks a year since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. ER and PR + , HER _ with 1 node affected! I have undergone a mastectomy , 6 months of chemo and 6 weeks of radiotherapy and am now about 7 weekes into Tamoxifen. I am definitely feeling better but still have a way to go. Like most of us it is the fear…
Finally home
Hi ladies Well it is day 8 post surgery - I still have 2 drains in but I am home... Still feel very tight across the chest and full under the arms hopefully that will settle once the drains come out Anyone else who has had bilateral mastectomy and expanders would love to hear your recovery as I am feeling rather useless...…
What now?
It's been a while since I've been on here. My treatment is herceptin & hormone tablet now, all the other nasty stuff is finished. My hair is back & I'm feeling ALMOST back to a new normal - whatever that is. I asked my oncologist what symptoms shld I look out for with any secondary cancers - his answer was "don't look out…
Ways of coping
When I was diagnosed I had just spent 5 months losing a little weight and getting fit. I thought I was healthy but I was shocked to find out I had Stage 3 breast cancer. I coped with the lead up to surgery by continuing to walk 5 km everyday and as soon as I could I was back walking after my mastectomy and partial axillary…
Crazy two days - Part Two
Well. Today sucked. I went into my first ever appointment without doing any research first as I was told the fertility specalist would tell me everything I would need to know and go over everthing. Firstly I had t get up crazy early (I am NOT a morning person) and be at the hospital 5mins early for a 8am booking. Walked,…
l was diagnosed with Locally advanced stage 3B Breast Cancer in my right breast in May 2013, after 8 rounds of chemo,five weeks of radiotherapy and a Mastectomy l have just been given the all clear for the next three months and then tests again that will hopefully show that l am still cancer free. l worry everyday about…