Hiya pink ladies!.
Looking for (more) advice..this time it's all about the Wig! My chemo is kicking off next Thursday 26/6. The Oncologist gave me a brochure for wigs on wheels which look great however I am amazed at the variety and significantly lower cost if purchased online, from the USA.
Medibank have confirmed they will not rebate anything toward a wig so i'm on my own. I'll probably wear it say 4 times per week and the rest I'll stick with scarves and hats. I'm 41, have longish blonde hair but probably looking to shoulder or just below. Has anyone had an absolute shocker of a wig experience or... a wonderful one they would be prepared to share ? Insider TIps? Graciously appreciated. x x x x x
P.S. Of a far more importance than my hair, I should note that my CT scan was clear. (Thank goodness as I was a bit of a smoker in my past..
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Hi Lisa, I shave my hair after the 1st chemo before it fell off itself. It looks funny but I just want to prepare myself (the truth is hair gone doesn't make me hurt but just the appareance) However, wig and scarf did a great job.
I've search around in the web like you as well before, I had a thought - without trying on, I wonder how I look like. FYI, I am a Chinese face, so the figures and features is different from you, like you had a beautiful bigh brown eye, high nose, long blonde hair. I was flat with a pair of glass, and very dark hair.
So when I read through all the info from the Breast Care nurse, they provide me from the Cancer Council leaflet, saying about wig and Looks good feel better. Since I've look up from the Web already, I give them a go and prepare to spend on it. So lucky there were run by Government and lots to choose and try (also scarf/turban/hats) The lady there, Jenny was so patience, and let me play around and trying on all different types for hours. And it's free. I finally got 2 hats and 1 wig. I got a wig (can't be black, because the wig looks very plastic when in black in colour) brown short hard, just fit my head size. Jenny said I could choose max 4 piece at a time, but welcome me to go back from time to time to change style, haha. They really care our feeling.
Also, since I don't have job at the moment, I received a concession card from Medicare, as far as I know from Looks Good Feel better, we could redeem approx 150$ on wig purchase. I shopped 1 of the wig shop here in Gold Coast, average their price 200-300+ depends. Now I've just finished my Chemo and all the way through as a public patient, I don't want to spend more from the Government, and in fact I am happy with the free wig.
I wonder where the State you are, you might be able to get something, and you can try on in person, instead just payment over the Net and might not like it at the end.
I put on my Wig with a fisherman-head, my friends sometimes forgot I was bold. And also, like you I mixed with scarf and head on. I saw a lot of ladies when check up in hospital, they dressed so good, and decorate their hats and scarf so well, very elegant and modern.
I hope this information might help.
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Jodie, awesome to hear from you. I will be also working full time throughout my treatment when possible so it's great to hear that you managed ok. Thanks for the tip. I'm finding heaps online but the colour selection is the tricky bit. Cheers.
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I was going to go blonde since Im quite dark naturally...I thought why not?? lets go for something different. Then she fitted me with a blonde wig and I burst into tears. I just looked so fake so I ended up going for the same colour as my natural hair just in a shorter style
I worked full time through chemo and then radiation. I had days off for my infusions and when I needed to rest. I just listened to my body. I really think keeping my life as normal as possible really helped me cope but everyone is different.
I finished chemo on March 12th this year and finished Rads on 22 May. Im now on tamoxifen xxx
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I took a friend with me to give me her honest opinion on wig choice. I tried heaps on. we did great - people tell me I look hot in it - how funny. but I rarely wear it - I love my turbans and scarves as they are so comfy to wear at work and there are lovely ones out there.
I have mainly worked full time - but you will need some time off for the chemo and when you are fatigued. freeze some meals for when you are tired after work.
good luck
Marg xx
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Gals, thanks so much for your fabulous tips with the wig dilema!. All sorted, got a fabulous one, it's a Jon Renau brand, I can heat style it if needed and i'm really happy with the cut. I think the style is Fiery!. I'm about to post a new blog thing because I've just been advised this mongrel cancer is in my spine. Hello stage 4. Yikes!. xx
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Gals, thanks so much for your fabulous tips with the wig dilema!. All sorted, got a fabulous one, it's a Jon Renau brand, I can heat style it if needed and i'm really happy with the cut. I think the style is Fiery!. I'm about to post a new blog thing because I've just been advised this mongrel cancer is in my spine. Hello stage 4. Yikes!. xx
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Gals, thanks so much for your fabulous tips with the wig dilema!. All sorted, got a fabulous one, it's a Jon Renau brand, I can heat style it if needed and i'm really happy with the cut. I think the style is Fiery!. I'm about to post a new blog thing because I've just been advised this mongrel cancer is in my spine. Hello stage 4. Yikes!. xx