Crazy two days - Part Two

Today sucked.
I went into my first ever appointment without doing any research first as I was told the fertility specalist would tell me everything I would need to know and go over everthing.
Firstly I had t get up crazy early (I am NOT a morning person) and be at the hospital 5mins early for a 8am booking. Walked, trained, tramed, walked to get there and the office wasnt even open yet! Waited for ages then once they opened we had to wait some more even though we were the first for the day. Guess it was our own fault for joking earlier that at least being first they would be on time lol
The specalist just read the email my surgeon had sent her while we sat there and she then told us about the two options open for us. Was expecting a lot more info than what we were given so was a little dissopointed on that front.
Now. Due to my ex cancer being hormone receptive I am not allowed (as in it is strongly NOT reccomended) to had the standard injections they would do to stimulate the overies to produce more mature eggs to harvest.
This means that I can only try for the regular 1 that will (should) be released when I ovulate. WELL.... of course counting it out I only have 2 days up my sleave to get this all sorted. The procedure will be this Fri or possibably Monday!
We got wisked off to a reception place to fill out forms. Legally you must undergo councelling if you are doing IVF so we got snuck into a session as someone had cancelled. We had 30mins before we had to be at another part of the hospital for my internal ultrasound.
Today I have been crying heaps. Think its because the thought of possibably not being able to have children has been really really horrible so I have just pushed that all aside and focused on the cancer/treatment part. Suddenly I was forced to think about it. Yuck.
The internal ultrasound wasnt too bad. Much easier than a pap smear for sure. It was a narrow 'wand' which only felt slightly uncomfortable when she moved it to focus in on my left overie and she explained that it is because that area is closer to the bowel so the uncomfort is more the bowel than the girly bits. All I could think at this point was 'dont fart, dont fart.....' :-D
I could see everything on a large screen tv which was pretty cool - They looked at and measured my womb, both overies, the lining of the womb, blood flow to the area and then they focused in the folicles which is where the eggs are.
After the ultrasound it was time for the blood tests. My husband is terrible with needles (almost passes out bad) and hadnt had breakfast so we swung by the caffeteria for him to get something to eat/drink first. This proved to be the best part of the day as I was sitting looking at a mountain of paperwork we need to fill out and a lady came over to us and said 'would you like me to sign that for you?' Turns out she was a police officer and could sign our police check paperwork for us! So so lucky to not have to go to a station. It was so nice of her to offer - hope she gets some good karma
Blood tests: 5 vials and 2 jars to pee in. The guy that took my blood was terrible. Really rough and no bedside mannor at all. I used to be a blood donor so not scared of needles and handle them really well but he was so aggressive Im getting a bruise and it still hurts
NEXT! Off to a different place for my husband to give a sperm sample! Plenty of bad jokes on the tram ride there. Such a weird situation to be in.
Missed call and got a message - The rude blood dude had forgotten to get my signature and we had to go back to the hospital! Back on the tram.....
All up we were activilly doing things fertilityy related from 8am and didnt get home till 3pm.
I am booked in for another internal ultrasound on Thursday and another blood test to check my hormones.
Oh. The other thing I am having as well as trying to harvest one egg is having a piece of my overie removed and frozen. Cant think of its official name but it sounds promising.
Over tired and making more spelling mistakes than ever and waffling so. That will do for tonight! Just wanted to get a bit of today out of my system.
If you managed to read this far WELL DONE!!
Yes,I read the whole of your blog and felt so sorry for you.What an exhausting, awful day.That's alot to go through in one day.I'm supposed to have a pelvic ultrasound and a pap test but can't face it until I finish root canal work at the dentist.I've become such a sook and can only do one procedure at a time.So you are awsome girl!! I hope it all goes to plan this week for you and that you get to be a mum down the track.I hope you can have a fun day tomorrow before Thursday's tests. Tonya xx
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Yes,I read the whole of your blog and felt so sorry for you.What an exhausting, awful day.That's alot to go through in one day.I'm supposed to have a pelvic ultrasound and a pap test but can't face it until I finish root canal work at the dentist.I've become such a sook and can only do one procedure at a time.So you are awsome girl!! I hope it all goes to plan this week for you and that you get to be a mum down the track.I hope you can have a fun day tomorrow before Thursday's tests. Tonya xx
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Funny you should mention the dentist...... That is what I am doing tomorrow! Havent been in a loooong time and Im a sook too. Also getting a flu shot.
Otherwise I plan on reading and having a nap! lol
All the best for your procudures!
It is nice to get them out of the way and move on to more fun things
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So you go to the dentist AND get a flu shot on your "fun"day off from medical procedures!! Well I guess getting all the crap over with in one week is a good thing? Please plan a fun weekend:) Tonya xx
ps.Hope the dentist can't find anything -miracles can happen.
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So you go to the dentist AND get a flu shot on your "fun"day off from medical procedures!! Well I guess getting all the crap over with in one week is a good thing? Please plan a fun weekend:) Tonya xx
ps.Hope the dentist can't find anything -miracles can happen.
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Yes I read your post right to the end and my heart goes out to you, what a shitty day. Trains trams and walking, thats alot. I am guessing you are from Melbourne, the good thing is there are so many great doctors here, although by the sound of it bad blood guys! I always get my bloods done at Peninsular Dorovich and the ladies there are awesome.
With all my heart my wish for you is that your egg harvesting is successful and you get your hearts desire.
Sending you hugs
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Just wanted to say sorry your day was drawn out and so stressful, but also to say that I have read a few stories on here about a ladies who have gone on to have a baby naturally after treatment. Not sure of their exact situations but just thought it might help to know that it can happen!
Hope Thursday goes more smoothly for you. Take care. Deanne xxx0 -
Just wanted to say sorry your day was drawn out and so stressful, but also to say that I have read a few stories on here about a ladies who have gone on to have a baby naturally after treatment. Not sure of their exact situations but just thought it might help to know that it can happen!
Hope Thursday goes more smoothly for you. Take care. Deanne xxx0 -
What an awful day!! Yes I read it all too.
I truly hope that everything goes to plan and it all works out for you
Chris xxx0 -
Hi Karen, one other back-up option you may not be aware of, that would let you have babies even if you cannot use your own eggs, is via an egg donor. The IVF people take your husband's sperm and use it to fertilize a donated egg which is then implanted into you, so you carry this baby to term within you. I have a friend of a friend who has just a lovely little boy this way, and is madly in love with him. Her donor was in Melbourne, which I think is where you live, If you want more info about the organisations involved, please feel free to PM me.