The finish line
Hello Pink commrades, With saddness I have seen a lot of newcomers. How scared you all are and exactly the same as me back in January of this year. Advanced invasive cancer in left breat 10 cm+ tumar and all lymph nodes in left arm including nodes behind my breast bone and above my collar bone. I am 55 yrs old. So I have…
I got a job! :-)
So I can happily report that I got a full-time, permenent job ...starting Monday! Eek! and Woohoo! On one hand I'm thrilled that I can FINALLY be out earning money again. And some new work colleagues and social interaction will be good too... On the other hand I'm a bit nervous that it's full time, as I have not told them…
Back in the Dragon boat
Today I was back on the water on a beautiful spring Melbourne day with my fabulous dragon boat team. This time last year I was waiting anxiously for a surgical biopsy to find out if my breast cancer had come back after eleven and a half years. It had. Since then I have had 5 operations including a left mastectomy, TRAM…
To all the newbies "I had breast cancer but it never had me."
Hi all, I haven't made a post in some time now, but felt compelled to write this. I had my 1 year check up yesterday! All clear and doctors were very happy. A year ago I was frightened and consumed by breast cancer, had chemo, radiotherapy and now on Tamoxifen. Well....what a difference a year makes!! I have totally…
Post treatment blues
Hi all I think I am turning into a hypochondriac. I am 3 and a half months post chemo and 5 weeks post radiation. Right through treatment, I was managing well with minimum side effects. And through treatment, I have avoided reading up on the statistics or detailed pathology reports but followed my drs advice and guidance…
Chemo is Over
Hi all, Just celebrating the end of my chemo rounds last Friday, yay!!! I had 3 rounds of FEC and 3 rounds of Docetaxel. I had a variety of side effects at different times and 4 days past the last round, I'm still feeling a bit tired and sore. Overall I am not not feeling too bad all things considered, and my hair has…
Back at work
Hi All, Just a quick update to let you all know that I have managed to be back at work for a little over a month now and am feeling a lot better mentally for it. I am so grateful for having caring and understanding bosses & work colleagues who are supporting me through my journey as only yesterday we buried my best friends…
Finding support from those around us
The latest issue of the 'Active and well e-newsletter is now available to download :-) This issue focuses on finding support from the people around us. We know that when people feel supported they are generally more likely to sustain positive changes to their health and wellbeing. * Download the latest e-newsletter
The Ups and Downs
Today…. I feel… I don’t even know how to feel For people close to me, they know my personal battles I have also faced, and today it all just feels too much. Being new to a country town it is difficult. My Family is not very close. I have family here but out of the 3 only 1 will speak to me. that is just over stupid shit…
First chemo
Hi I'm Linn. I was diagnosed 2mnths ago and have been on a Rollercoaster ride since.. After a single mastectomy I had my first chemo treatment on Thursday 28th. I'm goin well with side effects so far! Maybe they will hit my later! The only thing that Annoying me is the flu like aches and pains.. They are driving me nuts.…
I went back to gym
It's 3 weeks tomorrow since my op and I did my first spin (cycle) class today. I took it easier than normal but was pleasantly surprised with what I could do. The most uncomfortable part was turning the dial to change the resistance. During the last track I had to slow down a little as there was a lot of climbing and I was…
For the record - the wig look
Photo taken late September in South Africa at the cheetah project with my daughter who helped raise these cubs while she was a tour guide/ranger in Nambiti Reserve.
It's been so long!
Wow, it has been nearly a year since I have written in my blog, and now over two years since my diagnosis, and so much has happened! I have now had three surgeries on my left breast as each surgery has been no good! The breast either ended up to big, too small, too wide - you name it! I have therefore decided to switch…
Always in Fear
I sit here in tears, frightened…. Scared My right breast has been on and off in pain for the past few weeks. I only recently had an MRI and it came up clear… But it doesn’t stop my mind from assuming the worst This is the fear I have lived for so many years. You feel like a ticking time bomb. One little lump or pain sends…
A Pledge...