Drowning in anxiety and fear
Hi everyone. This is is my first blog ever and one that I am both keen to write in the hope of gaining some support and release from the emotional pain but that I am also fearful of writing as it makes my diagnosis real. I was diagnosed yesterday with breast cancer. At this stage they are unsure if it is in my lymph nodes…
Physical activity events coming up around Australia
I found this handy physical activities event calendar last week and wanted to share it with you all - http://exerciseismedicine.org.au/active-workplaces/events It might be a good tool to guide some activity goal setting over the next few months. I would love to hear from anyone who has a goal they are working towards e.g.…
4 weeks today!
Well here goes for my very first post! 4 weeks ago today I underwent a mastectomy and I'm feeling fine!!! In fact, I tried on my Berlei bra for the first time this morning and felt that I looked back to normal, whatever that is.....I received my first copy of The Beacon today and identified with so much in it. I feel so…
partner driving me crazy maybe TMI but need to vent
My partner is driving me crazy, he is a fair bit younger than me, and very healthy in the bedroom department lol, wasnt sure how to put it, i`m just not that interested anymore, its been just over a month since my mastectomy, i start chemo on the 24/10. sex is the furthest thing from my mind, he told me last night i`ve…
Emotional impact of a breast cancer diagnosis
With quite a few new members and a fair bit of discussion around the emotional impact of a breast cancer diagnosis - I thought you might want to check out (if you havn't already) the 'Emotional wellbeing' section on our website. * You can find more information here: www.bcna.org.au/living-breast-cancer/emotional-wellbeing
I've spent the last few months reflecting on the past year....this week marks 12 months since my Mums funeral - followed 3 days later by my mastectomy; when I look back on this time it is more like a dream than my previous perfect life! I have felt the need to be alone...which is hard when you have kids and no family close…
The next step!
I am now 5 weeks post surgery and beginning my first chemo treatment this coming Tuesday (7/10/14). Am approaching this process optimistically, but aware that it's going to be yet another challenging time. I read other people's blogs about how sick they've been but know that we just have to face it anyway - one day at a…
Update since finishing treatment in June !!!
I saw my breast surgeon yesterday and my lymphoedema physio today and they are both happy with my progress. The surgeon has now booked me in for my next annual mammogram and ultrasound which will be in January 2015. The breast lymphoedema is under control but I now have to wear a compression bra for afew months too. Manual…
Help with healthy food issues
The latest obstacle for myself (and my family) is one that I didn't think would ever be a problem. I have been determined to recover my health to the best of my ability after treatment for Stage 3 breast cancer last year (surgery, chemo, radio and now tamoxifen) and healthy food choices have been a big part of this. Like a…
Better day than me?
This morning I woke up after a bad night with hot flushes and body aches and decided not to go to work. Struggling at the moment to push myself in the right direction, I want to go back to work and I need to work for my sanity but not feeling great. Doc suggesting I might need anti deppressants not sure what to do. I have…
Catch up...
I've passed the two year remission ( September 7th ), and I had a cancer scare that was investigated at the Royal Womens hospital in August. Whilst I was In America , I started bleeding from the vagina, and given that I had a hysto 18 yrs ago due to cancer, I couldn't understand why I was bleeding. It wasn't much, but…
Healthy eating and breast cancer – BCNA’s new booklet
Many women have expressed interest in learning more about healthy eating. In combination with regular physical activity, healthy eating can make a measurable difference to your energy levels, weight maintenance and assist in managing your stress levels. To help provide practical information and guidance around making…
Snap your joy! Happy Friday everyone!
SoulPancake set up a giant camera on the street and . How will you express yourself today?
Exercise and depression article
An article was published earlier this week in The New York Times titled 'Exercise may protect against depression'. We know that exercise is good for us and that for the most part we generally feel better for it. This article looks at exercise and how it may increase emotional resilience and may protect against depression.…
Checking in!
Hi everyone, Apologies. I have been so very remiss. After a couple of years of 'checking out' of the "journey" (got so fed up with that word!) that was mine in 2010/2011, I have just received a notification of a post and returned to find so many messages waiting that I have not responded to. SORRY! Frankly, I think I…