Update since finishing treatment in June !!!

I saw my breast surgeon yesterday and my lymphoedema physio today and they are both happy with my progress. The surgeon has now booked me in for my next annual mammogram and ultrasound which will be in January 2015. The breast lymphoedema is under control but I now have to wear a compression bra for afew months too. Manual lymphatic massaging is part of my daily routine now and I have to keep at it with the help of my physio. Pool and Hydrotherapy exercises is very beneficial todo so armed with that knowledge I have now enrolled in the 8 week free ywca encore program for women who have experienced BC. It begins next week and I look forward to meeting other ladies there. The water exercises help to restore, strength, mobility, and flexibility and alot of topics will be discussed including lymphoedema so I am definitely looking forward to that too.
Aside from this, my other main goal is lose weight and to eat healthier. I am reading up alot on oestrogen inhibiting foods which my surgeon also highly recommends along with the Tamoxifen ofcourse which I already have been taking for nearly 5 months. So, it has been a crazy year but I am more committed to my health than I ever have been so I guess being diagnosed this year with BC has definitely made me realise that I need to look after myself more, and not stress about things that don't matter, and to enjoy a slower pace of life and not be on the go so much as before. Now if the lymphoedema went away I would be even happier. lol
love Ronnie xx
So good to hear you are doing well. I think a lot of ladies will appreciate you giving the encore link. Lymphoedema of the breast, trunk or arm is something that effects a lot of us to some degree after treatment. I know that I found it very difficult to access help for this.
I so agree with your thoughts about health after being diagnosed with BC. I have never felt as motivated to change some bad habits and start and persist with some good ones. I am almost 18 months out from diagnosis, almost 12 months since finishing active treatment, and I am still improving with my health and feeling SO much better for it. I wish that I had never had BC but I realise that I am probably now much healthier in general because of it. My lymphoedema seems to be going well since I lost a little weight, exercise regularly and keep up the massage. I hope that yours will become less of an issue for you soon! Keep looking after yourself, you deserve to feel as good as you can. Take care. Deanne xxx0 -
So good to hear you are doing well. I think a lot of ladies will appreciate you giving the encore link. Lymphoedema of the breast, trunk or arm is something that effects a lot of us to some degree after treatment. I know that I found it very difficult to access help for this.
I so agree with your thoughts about health after being diagnosed with BC. I have never felt as motivated to change some bad habits and start and persist with some good ones. I am almost 18 months out from diagnosis, almost 12 months since finishing active treatment, and I am still improving with my health and feeling SO much better for it. I wish that I had never had BC but I realise that I am probably now much healthier in general because of it. My lymphoedema seems to be going well since I lost a little weight, exercise regularly and keep up the massage. I hope that yours will become less of an issue for you soon! Keep looking after yourself, you deserve to feel as good as you can. Take care. Deanne xxx0 -
Lovely to hear from you Deanne. You are so right when you say that motivation to change bad habits and todo all that we can to improve our health is so important, especially after a BC diagnosis. The Lymphoedema can take quite a while to settle I have been told but even with all the massaging I have some fluid in the truncal area near the already sore and swollen left breast. Thankfully it is getting better but quite honestly I think it's also going to be around for awhile too. I hope my Lymphoedema improves like you have said when the weight comes off. Do you sometimes feel a burning sensation within the pockets of fluid.? I do, and then it gets itchy. Drives me crazy sometimes. lol I hope afew ladies will check out the Encore program link because they do wonderful work helping ladies having gone through BC with an exercise program. I am really looking forward to the Hydrotherapy exercises next week when I begin the program. Today I went shopping for some new bathers and afew other things in readiness for next week, so I will let you know how it all goes.
Look after yourself and take care.
Ronnie xx
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Yes I do get the burning under my arm, particularly if I am driving any distance. The worst of my issue is just where my bra goes under my arm and around on my back. I have noticed that certain bras seem to make it worse. But the exercise in water really helps and keeping up the massage. I have a little bit of trouble with my arm aching but this is better if I do those arm exercises that the physio got me doing straight after surgery. You get very good at noticing what helps and what makes it worse and just adjusting things to suit where possible. Hope the encore program works well for you. I looked up about it but it seems like they only run it during winter here. Nothing more until next year. Let us know how you go with it.
Deanne xxx
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Yes I do get the burning under my arm, particularly if I am driving any distance. The worst of my issue is just where my bra goes under my arm and around on my back. I have noticed that certain bras seem to make it worse. But the exercise in water really helps and keeping up the massage. I have a little bit of trouble with my arm aching but this is better if I do those arm exercises that the physio got me doing straight after surgery. You get very good at noticing what helps and what makes it worse and just adjusting things to suit where possible. Hope the encore program works well for you. I looked up about it but it seems like they only run it during winter here. Nothing more until next year. Let us know how you go with it.
Deanne xxx