The finish line

Hello Pink commrades,
With saddness I have seen a lot of newcomers. How scared you all are and exactly the same as me back in January of this year. Advanced invasive cancer in left breat 10 cm+ tumar and all lymph nodes in left arm including nodes behind my breast bone and above my collar bone. I am 55 yrs old.
So I have done the journey, it's bloody hard but this site and the support offered is amazing not forgetting our face to face Perth Ladies group I connected with.
I have two more radiation days to go and I am FINISHED. I have done 5 months of TCH chemo, bi-lateral mastectomy, back in for more surgery with a nasty sinus tack infection, radiation (30) and herceptin until March of next year (but I don't count that as it's doable) For any newbies and my heart goes out to you it's a chain of events and one day at a time.
I cannot believe I am nearly finished and honestly I feel my head is spinning and wondering where this year has gone. I have met some amazing people and on occassion a few not so nice people but on the whole a support system of love and understanding. My children have blown me away, oh how I love them to bits.
Good luck to you newbies, love and support to anyone half way through and thank you to the ones who keep supporting after the cure. And girls most times nowadays it is a CURE.
Cyber hugs