Post treatment blues

Hi all
I think I am turning into a hypochondriac. I am 3 and a half months post chemo and 5 weeks post radiation. Right through treatment, I was managing well with minimum side effects. And through treatment, I have avoided reading up on the statistics or detailed pathology reports but followed my drs advice and guidance on treatment.
I thought that having such positivity, I would be able to handle understanding the details now that the hospital treatments are over. So guess what, I went online to find more information. From what I read, it is getting to me....having a rarer type (pleomorphic) of lobular (I also have a idc), being er-pr+ (again very rare) etc.....
So now every ache and pain or anything, my mind just want to think the femara work on er- since it is a estrogen blocker? I have since saw my onco. The other day I had 2 white lumps on my tonsils and it send me into a tailspin until the gp said it was tonsil stones and they are now gone. Had a CT to check on 2 pre-treatment tiny nodules in lungs and showed up nothing. It sure does not take much.
Most days I am good. Physically, I am fit and well except for some minor aches, and have kept up my walking exercise.
Sorry, just have to write it down and have a bit of a whinge. I am looking forward to being less anxious about things (knowing it makes no difference) and live a life as well as I can. Thanks all for reading.
Hope you all are travelling well.
Hi dont be so hard on yourself, its hard not to think the worst.
Try and think positive thoughts and take it 1 day at a time
keep smiling
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Thank you rowdy for responding. As I said I am good most days. Yes, taking one day at a time was what took me through and I will just have to practise it again.
I hope you are are going ok.
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It's very hard like Rowdy said, just congratulate yourself for getting this far and honestly you know you can overcome anything that is thrown at you...honestly you can. Come on chins up girl and best foot forward. You are not a hypercondric..(can't spell) you are a cancer surviver! Stand proud.
Cyber hugs coming your way my dear. Women are wonderful creatures.
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Yes, best foot forward.
Hope you are going ok yourself.
C xx
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I mentioned turning into a hypochondriac to my GP and the Dr will not take me seriously, she says it is understandable given what I just gone through and I should be vigilant about my health. Funny thing, pre cancer I am one of those who will just let some aches just pass, not ignoring but never worrying too much about any ailments.
Yes, I do feel that I lack confidence in my body. Fortunately, my good days are more than the uncertain days.
Hope you are travelling ok.
C xx
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You are normal!!!!!!!!!!I think once the safety of treatment is over,and we are on our own again,we tend to let little negative thoughts creep in!Lately I have had a sore back(oh no it's in my bones!!) and I did have an upset stomach for a few days( stomach!!!) but of course I knew deep down that I had been bending over too much ,and that is what gave me a sore back,and all our kids have been sick with a virus and I think I had a touch of that too!!! Even though I knew it was nothing,my mind still went there.The further away we get from treatment,I think we start to put it in the very back of our minds.For me,if have my 6 monthly checkup,and in the meantime try to be aware of any 'significant' changes,well then I think I will do just fine.Keep busy,eat well and exercise ,and you will be the picture of health just like most of us are.Take care and stay in touch.xoxRobyn0
You just have the gift of saying all the right things. I saw a counselor today at RPA (appointment made when I had a rough day about 2 weeks ago) and she said that what i am experiencing is quite normal. The paranoia has not gone away so I will see her again to learn some techniques to handle such situations.
Thanks Robyn and I am glad you are handling yourself so well. Xx