Yesterday The Strathpine Coffee and Chat Group did the 4.5k walk in the Mothers Day Classic in Brisbane. We had special t shirts printed with "Strathpine Sisters, Doing it Together" on the front so this was serious business. .
We had a great time even though it was an emotional walk for all of us. One particularly heart pulling time was a tall man walking by himself wearing a tribute card pinned to his back. It read "for my wife, Joy" and beside her name was an "RIP 2010". He looked so alone so I remembered his wife with him.
Next year, the girls are hoping to walk the 8k and I will be with them all the way. I love each and every one of them. I am so thankful that breast cancer led me to them.
your post bought tears to my eyes. How wonderful that you remembered his wife along with him.
MDC is such an awesome event held all over Australia with so many paying tribute.Well done all that were part of this fantastic event.
I attended the Field of Women in Melbourne on Saturday and that was the most moving experience of my life, some might say I should get out more LOL. The sea of pink was just incredible but the thing that moved me the most was the time for rememberance for those that have passed.
Have a lovely day
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Hi Lyn11 congrats on your walk. Thankyou for sharing that gentlemans story and honouring his wife, Joy;.Like Donna I was very moved and I am so glad you were there for him on Sunday.
I also did the MDC 4km walk in a large, beautiful and historic park in western Sydney - it was so moving. I could not believe how many people were there - so many shades of pink everywhere! So many wearing notes and names dedicating their walks to those who are going through their journey, survived or who were no longer here.
As I walked under the starting point I shed a tear of pride and I was filled with such hope - so many walking to find a cure. My husband, daughter and her fiance were walking beside me wearing shirts made by my daughter with a poem she wrote:
She is braver than she thinks and still her courage grows
Today I walk beside (my wife, my mum and ML) because she is stronger than she knows
I seriously didn't know if I would make the distance as attention to fitness and eating well, are new concepts that I am introducing to my body since my diagnosis. We were finished within the hour, I was so totally propelled by the positivity of thousands. After I crossed the finishing line - I really thought 'I can get through the next part of my journey'.
Today I got a phone call from the oncology CNC to say they want to start my chemo this Friday.
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Hi Lyn11 congrats on your walk. Thankyou for sharing that gentlemans story and honouring his wife, Joy;.Like Donna I was very moved and I am so glad you were there for him on Sunday.
I also did the MDC 4km walk in a large, beautiful and historic park in western Sydney - it was so moving. I could not believe how many people were there - so many shades of pink everywhere! So many wearing notes and names dedicating their walks to those who are going through their journey, survived or who were no longer here.
As I walked under the starting point I shed a tear of pride and I was filled with such hope - so many walking to find a cure. My husband, daughter and her fiance were walking beside me wearing shirts made by my daughter with a poem she wrote:
She is braver than she thinks and still her courage grows
Today I walk beside (my wife, my mum and ML) because she is stronger than she knows
I seriously didn't know if I would make the distance as attention to fitness and eating well, are new concepts that I am introducing to my body since my diagnosis. We were finished within the hour, I was so totally propelled by the positivity of thousands. After I crossed the finishing line - I really thought 'I can get through the next part of my journey'.
Today I got a phone call from the oncology CNC to say they want to start my chemo this Friday.
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Well done on doing your walk with your family the 'Strathpine Sisters.' You are an incredible bunch of ladies including that fellow you mentioned in your group to walk with. That must have been so hard for him but you made it a lot easier so thank you for that! The world needs people like you to make it better to live in, so again well done to all. Makes me feel proud to be a 'Pink Lady.' And thank you for your courage. I went with my three kids to the 'FOW 2014' and it was the most magical and memorable thing I have ever done in my life!!! And being with my kids made it even more special!!! Take Care XXX Mia XXX
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Well done on doing your walk with your family the 'Strathpine Sisters.' You are an incredible bunch of ladies including that fellow you mentioned in your group to walk with. That must have been so hard for him but you made it a lot easier so thank you for that! The world needs people like you to make it better to live in, so again well done to all. Makes me feel proud to be a 'Pink Lady.' And thank you for your courage. I went with my three kids to the 'FOW 2014' and it was the most magical and memorable thing I have ever done in my life!!! And being with my kids made it even more special!!! Take Care XXX Mia XXX