Stupid things people say (this post is for giggles ;) )
So being new to this, i'm getting used to people saying those things that you look at them and just thing (What the hell??? also known as my now new favourite term WTF!) So these are my two "What the" moments 1. After telling this one lady about my very early diagnosis and wide local excision and sentinel nodes, taking…
First Mammogram after treatment
Well today I finally went in for my first lot of tests after the end of treatment for stage 2 triple negative bc. It took me 9 days from the referral to actually make the appointment, I was so scared of going through these tests. Finally I talked myself into it- what will be will be, it's better to know than not know, etc…
Hi All Well my planning day for my radiation treatment is all done and dusted and I am now tattooed. I start my treatment on 28 Jan and is five days a week for five weeks. I did feel it a bit daunting at the planning day lying there with my boobs (they are big!) exposed to the two people who were measuring me up (one male,…
Final chemo hurdle
I've been quiet on here since October 2015, but religiously following all the posts and gleaning lots of helpful information while getting on with my 4 chemo treatments 21 days apart! First one was horrific but then after adjustments to medication and a welcome 'jab in the tummy' on second day, the next two sessions were…
Hopefully some relief from collapsed veins
I will never doubt the benefits of having private health insurance again. Just got a phone call saying I can have an appointment with the surgeon in 2 hours time this afternoon and have surgery for the port-a-cath tomorrow! So looking forward to having this done. One more surgical scar will be worth no more collapsed…
Day 8 after chemo
Day 8 after chemo, Friday 22nd Jan. Got up early (7am is early) and walked the dogs on the beach 3km. That was it, back to bed for a while. Its not that I am excessively tired, I just get so weary so fast. I just got up a second time and made breakfast and I am weary already. On the plus side my mouth is healing and…
To all you courageous & beautiful women
The beauty of a woman isn't in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, Because that's the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman isn't in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected by…
Ultra done & a whole lot of dust
Hello, Completed the ultra marathon, not in the time I wanted, but I did it! It was sooo hot. My running buddy got me to the end, he was determined I was going to finish even though I really wanted to stop half way through. He was right it was worth it & it was an achievement getting to the start line let alone finishing.…
Nat is housebound and going nuts
Ok I need some tips please Nat has been well one word HORRIBLE she has the patience of an ant bites everyone's heads off if they say boo to her (yes it is still school holidays here and her younger siblings are home everyday) I get that she has cabin fever she feels unsafe to drive with her bone pain and her breathlessness…
Day 4 after chemo
Day 4 after chemo, Monday. The weathers been a little cooler of late which makes sleeping at night a lot nicer. I woke up a little sinus filled but that could have been from me snoring! This morning I walked the dogs with Les and when we got home I managed not to boil over the rolled oats this time. My brain seems to have…
The night before the ultra
Hello, A little bit of an update. After the final pathology report on 23/12 & the news I was going to be doing chemo I laced up my running shoes on Xmas eve, the first time since the op, and went for a slow run. It was wonderful. I was told by the surgeon I could run the ultra & start chemo straight after. As long as I…
WTF is it with Chemo!
Hi All, just had to get a few things off my chest, sorry for bad language but sometimes I just have to let fly, just to myself understand. I never really complain to the family. Every chemo circle has thrown a new ball at me! So this is just a bit of info for others starting out and I sure hope everything goes smoothly for…
Wanting to tell the world to f**k off
I've been quiet here as I have been going through my treatment and dealing with ongoing crap from people I sometimes have the misfortune with dealing with. Status - since being diagnosed on 7 July 2015, undergoing a lumpectomy in August & second shaving with chemo port in September, I've completed my first 12 weeks of…
Finished Chemo I want to lose the 10kgs I put on any suggestions
Hi Ladies and Gents, I finished Chemo on Monday yahoo, onto the next chapter on my journey. I want to get into a healthy lifestyle, the cancer council is offering a free 8 week yoga program, I've never done yoga before but I have always wanted to, I also help my hubby run an athletics club for which I am a level 1 coach…
Soreness after lumpectomy
Hi All. I had my lumpectomy on 20 December. I had two lumps removed and four lymph nodes. Ever since the op my breast has been very sore. One of the incisions is pretty good but the other one is quite a large scar and lumpy and it is right by my cleavage and that is the one that is bothering me and also on the top of my…